Ben Drowned X Reader X Jeff the Killer

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You Ben and Jeff were playing the games in the living room while EJ and LJ were watching you guys play. You three were known as the troublesome trio. Everywhere you guys went there was trouble and it was either one of you guys or all three of you were the reason for trouble arising. "DAMMIT YOU TWO." You threw your game controller down as Ben and Jeff caught the giggles

"What's the matter toots? Why you're being such a sore loser for?" Jeff took a chance to glance at you and he caught the giggles all over again as you narrowed your eyes at him

"Someone's hot around the collar." You turned your narrowed eyes from Jeff to Ben and scrutinized him and all Ben did was smirk at you and continue playing the game intent on making sure he won.

"I'm not hot around the collar or a sore loser. It's not my fault Ben cheats and karma is going to come and bite the both of you in the ass sooner or later." They ignored you so you watched the both of them and it looked like Jeff was going to win and at the last moment the game glitched allowing Ben to win the game and Jeff rage quit.

"YOU SON OF A WHORE. WHY THE FUCK MUST YOU ALWAYS CHEAT!" Jeff didn't give Ben a chance to respond as he tackled him to the floor and they both started tussling and rolling back and forth each trying to get the upper hand of the other.

"What I said? Karma is a bitch and comes with a vengeance." You snickered at the two of them as they both started to fight each other and bite and punch and smack and throw profanities at each other

"THAT'S WHY YOUR MOTHER DIDN'T FUCKING LOVE YOU!" Ben punched Jeff and Jeff quickly counter acted it with a jab to the jaw

"THAT'S WHY I KILLED THAT BITCH!" They both continued to fight and you rolled your eyes and pulled them apart thoroughly entertained by them. You looked at both of them as they stayed on the ground not looking at each but opting to stare at you instead.

"Since you guys have so much pent up energy why not go killing." Ben and Jeff glanced at each other before smirking and getting up and grabbing your hand

"I know the perfect place." You were surprised that Ben didn't argue and want to go through the virtual world instead and he saw the quizzical look on your face

"What? I can be optional and non picky when I want to be.' You just shrugged and let them lead the way into the woods until you all stopped in the clearing. You both turned around back to back and listened. It was quiet too quiet.

"Something big is near and we are going to kill it." You sniffed the air and knew for a fact that it was a wild animal you can tell. You gave another sniff and smelt blood and berries meaning one thing

"It's a bear and it's close." You took three steps in front of you and you heard something growl

"Y/N don't-" It was too late. You were right about the bear and it came barreling towards you knocking you back and it's weight knocked the wind out of you. You fell back and the bear reared up on its hind legs roaring. Your eyes widen in fear a bit but then the bear whined and stood still before falling forward. You barely had time to move before it came crashing down and its paw caught you pinning you down.

"Y/N!" That was Ben yelling and all of a sudden the paw was off of you and you were in his arms while Jeff surprisingly was checking for any injuries

"Are you hurt?" You nodded your head no and he gave a sigh of relief ruffling your hair and kissing your cheek

"Don't do that you just gave me my first grey hair." You gave a giggle at Jeff's stupidity and when you looked at them in the dim moon light you saw both Ben and Jeff blushing

"Why are you two blushing?" It went completely silent before one of them heaved a sigh

"'s confession time ain't it." It sounded more rhetorical than anything but you looked at both of them confused

"Okay so Y/n.....uh.... we both liked you for a long time.' That was Jeff and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously

"And we were errr..... wondering if you both." You were shocked at their confession. They liked you? The both of them? You're likeable?

"Only if you want to you know." You stood quiet looking at them both making the air around the three of you very awkward and tense but before they could take it back you answered

"It's definitely different...But I like different and I like you two, so I'm willing to try it." You gave them both a half smile and they both heaved a sigh of relief

"That was way harder than I thought it would be."

"No shit sherlock." All three of you laughed as you wondered just exactly how this polygamous relationship was going to work out.


Another one my lovelies!

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now