Patches the Rabbit

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  You winced as Patches rubbed alcohol on the scrapes on your left arm. That's only your left arm though and you had scrapes and bruises going all down your other arm, your sides and both of your legs only because you for once decided to wear shorts. You flinched as he got the longest and deepest cut and the sting hurt worse.
"Stop flinching Y/N." You pouted as Patches made eye contact with you before looking back down at what he was doing
"It stings and kinda hurts." He sighed as he rolled his eyes at you.
"You wouldn't even be hurt, if you didn't decided to be spider man and jump from tree to tree." You scowled lightly at him, huffing in the process
"I jumped across the trees before and nothing has ever happened to me before." He looked up at you again as he was bandaging your arm up.
"Well there's a first time for everything." You couldn't deny that. You didn't believe you can fall and got a little arrogant and misjudged your jump.
You was jumping from tree to tree, swinging from branch to branch and running along the more thicker branches as Patches kept up with you on the ground watching you worriedly.
"Y/N be careful!" You looked back down at him smiling and laughing
"Nothing to worry about Patches! I have done this a million times before!" Patches didn't say anything else because it was true, that you have done it many times before. It didn't stop him from worrying about you. He blames the unhealthy crush he has on you and that's all your fault! It's not his fault, that you were nice to him, had a free spirit, tried everything before saying you don't like it, kind, sweet, strong, protective. Honestly he can go on forever about you because you're perfect in his eyes.
"Hey Patches-" You both don't know what you was going to say because the next jump you missed the branch and went straight down letting out a scream of fear. You hit a couple of branches scraping yourself up and you somehow slid down the trunk of tree trying to stop your fall but you ended up more hurt than anything. You fell on your back knocking the breath from you and Patches ran up to you yelling your name. You don't know what happened next, but you fell unconscious."
*End Flashback*

"I'm finished Y/N." You blinked back to reality as you looked down at yourself and noticed that all your cuts and scrapes were covered with band-aid's and gauze. You smiled up at him
"Thanks Patches." He smiled at you as he ruffled your hair and kissed you on the cheek making you blush.
"No problem, Y/N but you owe me now for scaring me half to death." He smirked down at you slyly and you smiled back at him
"What do I owe you Patches?" He smiled brightly at you pulling you to your feet and wrapping his arm around your waist
"How about me and you tomorrow go on a date. We haven't been on one in a while." You smiled as you pecked his lips
"Sounds like a plan."
A/N: He's a human
I hope you liked it and I hope it wasn't too short for your liking.  

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now