Red Angel

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"Why in the hell do you insist on being a pain in my ass?" You turned and glared at Angel while putting your hands on your hips and jutting your right hip out. He smirked at you as he leaned against the wall
"But i'm not a pain your ass, I give you headaches and irritation." Speaking of irritation that shit eating grin on his face is pissing you off even more and you feel about six different tick marks all over your head and forehead.
"You give me an everything ache! Jeez, your a pain in my neck, a pain in my head, stomach and most importantly you give me pain in my ASS!!" You shouted the last part at him and he didn't frown or stop like you thought he would. In fact that damn grin on his face got bigger and he chuckled a little.
"I could give you pain if you're into that you know, I know I am." You looked at him for a second before you had to resist the extremely tempting urge to slap the shit out of him.
"For once in your life, can you not be perverse?" He looked at you and shrugged as he got up off of the wall and stood up straight with his arms crossed and towering over you by a few inches.
"I try to but it's hard." You threw up your hands exasperated and walked away form him as he followed you whistling
"Why are you following me?" He didn't answer you as he was staring at a specific part of your anatomy
"Left, right, left, right, work it, work it...." You whirled on him red from embarrassment and anger and took a swing at him. He ducked in time and took a step back from you still smirking the whole time.
"Oh my goodness! Quit it!" Your voice went high pitched and sometimes you hate it because when you're flustered it goes high pitched. You mean, come on, your crush is openly flirting with you, wouldn't you get flustered.
"I bet I can make your voice go higher in different ways~" Your mouth dropped as he waltzed up to you closing your mouth and winking at you. He then leaned in towards your ear whispering "Close your mouth sweetie, before I put something in there." He then pulled back and walked towards his room like he just didn't say what he said
"HOLD ON A MINUTE!" You turned and stomped angrily as he neither slowed or sped up his pace. You groaned as you finally caught up to him
"Now, now sweetheart, don't be making such lewd noises, save that for the bedroom~" He leaned in and nipped your ear making you blush and something in you snapped
"THAT'S IT!" You jumped on him, hitting him all over his head, neck and shoulders while screaming that he's no fair, and that he has no right to be doing that to you. He finally was able to pull you off of him and he held you tightly against him to keep you from hitting him so more but that didn't mean you didn't struggle to get out of his grip.
"Stop trying *grunt* to fight me." You growled at him hitting your forehead against his lip making him bite it and cause it to bleed.
"NO! NO! NO! NO! YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN JUST FLIRT WITH ME AND THAT'S IT! I'M NOT ONE OF YOUR VICTIMS AND I SURE AS HELL AIN'T ONE OF YOUR PLAY THINGS THAT YOU CAN JUST FUCK AND GO! I AM Y/N L/N AND I FUCKING LOVE YOUR WHORE ASS! WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED THE PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS!" You was so mad and you knew what you said and you didn't care at the moment. You felt him froze and then when you looked up he was staring at you with wide eyes but yet an unreadable expression. "Well, what? are you just going to stare at me the entire time?" You didn't mean to sound rude but you was getting a bit unnerved with how much and long he was staring at you. He leaned down and both of your foreheads were touching
"I bother you so much because I like you and there's no other way I can show the others your mine. Y/N I didn't mean to hurt your feelings but I truly do like you." You leaned back in surprise and saw that he wasn't lying. He looked a little hurt though when you pulled back so you went back in and hugged him as his hold around you tightened.
"I see...I always thought you hated me." He reeled back in surprise this time and looked at you with some anger
"I will never hate you. SO get that shit out of your head and don't ever think it again." Before you can respond he smashed his lips against yours and you gladly kissed him back. You both pulled back needing air
"I really like you too." He looked at you before giving you a small rare smile
"I'm glad you do." He hugged you close to him as he sniffed your hair loving the smell and you couldn't be any more content with life
How was this one? I would like some feedback please.

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now