Judge Angels x Female Reader

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You were scrubbing the dishes angrily while your cheeks were flushed red. Why were you so angry? Well it just so happened to be your luck that your crush was once again with Bloody Painter aka Helen Otis. You grit your teeth together deciding to take your frustrations out on the dishes instead of voicing them. You heard a crack and that's when you looked down and saw that the plate in your hand cracked. You huffed a sigh and slam dunked the broken plate into the garbage. Dammit that was the third one you broke! Get your hand screwed on straight! "Let me hurry up before I break another one." That's exactly what you did too. There were a few more dishes so you blocked out any distractions *cough* Helen *cough* Angel *cough* and washed them. You dried your hands and as you were walking to your room you took a look in the living room and you felt your blood boil slightly. Angel was leaning on Helen and Helen had an arm around her shoulders and they were laughing at whatever was on his phone. You must have been staring because Angel looked up at you and caught your eye. You looked away and decided to go up to your room. Unbeknownst to you, Helen and Angel were watching you with slight smirks

"You think she got jealous." Angel looked up at her best friend for confirmation

"Oh hell yes." He snickered which caused her to snicker as well

"Should I go to her room?" He raised an eyebrow

"The whole point of making her jealous was so you can make a move. Now go." Angel didn't need no more convincing. She got up but not before giving him a hug

"I owe you one Helen." He rolled his eyes as he pushed her shooing her away

"Yeah, yeah now go comfort your girl." Angel gave a cheeky smile a small blush adorning her cheeks. She hurriedly rushed up the stairs and knocked on the door to Y/N's room. "Y/N? It's Angel. Can I come in?" All you gave her was a grunt in response and she took that as an invitation to come in. When she came in you looked at her before scowling and looking away.

"What do you want?" You looked at her but you averted your eyes missing the hurt look she had on her face. She walked up to you and sat down next to you. She just looked at you and you shifted a bit uncomfortably knowing she was drilling holes into your face

"I just wanted to see you." You bit your lip, your jealousy coming out and you couldn't help it. You turned on her and gave an angry pout at her

"Why? Weren't you just with your boyfriend Helen?" You felt slight tears prickle behind your eyes but you refused to let them fall. She gave a surprised face before she chuckled lightly making you feel insulted slightly.

"Ohhhh, Y/N, that was to make you jealous." She leaned in close to your face and you felt her hot breath on your lips. "And it worked perfectly." Your eyes widen at her, as you felt your heart beat erratically in your chest and a blush rush up your neck to spread across your face.

"Why would you?" She gave you a smirk and glanced down at your lips before looking you back in your eyes

"So I can do this." She pressed her lips softly against yours. Your eyes widen in surprise and you froze not kissing back for a few seconds, but before she can pull back You grabbed her by the back of her head and kissed her more. She wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you into her lap. You kissed for a minute before air became a necessity.

"I thought you didn't like me Angel." Angel panted lightly looking at you before smiling

"You thought wrong love.... Now will you bless me with being able to call you mine." You gave her an ear splitting grin chuckling a little

"Of course I'll be yours Angel." She gave a smile that rivaled yours.


Another one for my fellow readers!

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now