Jason the Toy Maker X Child Reader

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You were clutching your doll that Jason made for you close to your chest as you walked around the big toy store waiting for him to come from the back. The stuffy was of himself and if you pressed the button his normal yellow eyes would turn green You walked down the aisle of stuffed rabbits, bears, tigers, zebras, monkeys and an array of different animals and cute little monsters from t.v shows. You smiled at one that looked exactly like Candy. You went to grab it but you heard something drop from a couple aisles away. You jumped and looked back at the door Jason was in and you saw his shadow moving so you knew that wasn't him

"Y/N, you're alright sweetheart?!" You furrowed your brow pouting

"Yes I'm okay!" So you knew for a fact now that, that wasn't Jason so who or what was that? You gulped and tip toed your way to the end of the aisle and slowly peaked your head around the corner only to move back fast and stifle a squeak. Someone broke in! You only saw a black back and you were scared. You felt tears build behind your eyes but you stiffened your upper lip just like Jason taught you if you were ever scared. You decided to lay down on the floor and look underneath the cracks on the floor since all the toys were on shelves. You saw a pair of black shoes moving back and forth along the tile. They were so quiet! If they didn't drop anything you wouldn't have even knew they were in here! You covered your mouth and then the shoes disappeared as he left the aisle. You let out a breath and got up until you heard a chuckle causing you to stiffen. With wide eyes you turned around and saw the guy leaning against the shelves at the end of the aisle. He had a predatory look similar to offenderman and you were really scared. You couldn't even hide the waterworks this time.

"Awww, what's a cute little girl such as yourself doing all alone here?" You didn't like the way he was looking at you as he started walking towards you. You grew scared and bolted screaming at the top of your lungs to the back.

"JASON! JASON! JASON!" Your screams were very high pitched and you went in the room and looked around and didn't see Jason at all. You began whimpering and crying harder as you heard the door bust open. You turned clutching the stuffy closer to your chest as the intruder looked at you with a sickening grin on his face as he slowly walked towards you.

"Awww, you really are here alone aren't you?" You were cowering on the floor crying with snot coming out of your nose deciding to call for him one more time

"JASON!" No one came and you felt devastated thinking that he really left you as the intruder laughed madly

"Jason isn't coming for you!" He took one more step before his eyes bulged and he coughed up blood freezing in his spot. You both looked at his chest where there were three claws coming out

"Guess again." Jason yanked his claws out and the intruder dropped to his knees where Jason went around to his face and his eyes were a glowing green.

"W-what are y-you?" Jason smiled larger exposing his fangs to the dying man

"You're worst nightmare." The man fell over dead as a puddle of blood formed around his body. Jason looked at him calming down before going to you where you had your arms up and he gladly picked you up

"I t-thought you l-left me." He shushed you gently rocking you and rubbing your head. He gave you a gentle kiss to your temple resting his cheek on top of his head

"Never." He gently rocked you walking to back to his office since your room was behind his office. "I will never leave you Y/N." You felt yourself going to sleep as you clutched to his clothes believing him.


The ending could be better :/


*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now