Hoodie X Reader X Masky

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"Who wants to have a cheese cake eating contest with me!?" You jumped up and down excitedly bouncing in your seat looking around at the bored faces of the other creepypastas.

"Don't you ever get tired of eating cheesecake?" You turned and looked at Laughing Jack who was sucking on a lollipop while giving you a look with an eyebrow raised

"Don't you ever get tired of eating candy?" He froze for a moment his eyes widened slightly

"I didn't think about that." You rolled your eyes and shook your head and looked at the others who were ignoring you and pretended that you didn't speak at all which made you pout at them and you crossed your arms huffing.

"Dammit, isn't there anyone who wants to do a cheesecake eating contest with me?" You looked around at everyone and you was about to give up when a voice spoke up startling you

"Someone say cheesecake?" You turned around with a smile to see Masky standing in the entrance and Hoodie leaning against the wall next to him. You clapped your hands together excitedly and hopped up out of your chair going up to them

"You guys want to have a cheesecake eating contest with me? Pleaseeeeeeeee" Your eyes widen giving them puppy dog eyes and your lip quivered for the added effect and both Hoodie and Masky shifted moving their head away from you.

"You're going to lose." You gave them a big devious smile and quirked an eyebrow at them

"Are you sure about that?" You didn't give them a chance to answer as you ran to the fridge and pulled out 3 cheesecakes already sliced and set them on the table. The pastas that were at the table moved and you put three chairs at the table and you put the cheesecakes on the table along with foam plates. "Come take a seat guys." You sat in the middle chair and Masky sat on your right and Hoodie sat on your left. They scooted in and you pretended to not pay attention to the fact that they also moved over so they can be closer to you.

"I'm going to win Y/N" You glanced over at Masky who had his mask up showing his cocky smirk

"You won't be smiling when I beat your ass." You smirked at him and he went to say something when Hoodie spoke

"C-can we d-dig in?" You glanced over at hoodie who had his mask up and exposed his mouth too and you shrugged

"On your mark. Get set." You glanced at both of them forks poised "GO!" All three of you dug into the cheesecakes at a lightening pace and within a half an hour all three cheesecakes were devoured. You leaned back into your chair with a stupid grin on your face while Hoodie and Masky stared at you openly gaping.

"No way in hell." You glanced over at Masky with a smug grin

"I told you I would wipe that smirk right off your face." You was about to say something else but you let out a long and loud belch. You looked at both of them and their jaws dropped even more

"Well damn." You grinned sheepishly at Hoodie who just shook his head.

"Sorry." You blushed and then it went quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence but you felt the blush on your face intensify as both Hoodie and Masky stared at you and didn't look away. Okay confession time, you may or may not have a crush...on both of them. Of course you would. Leave it to you to end up having a crush on both of them. Maybe they don't mind sharing....

"You have something on your cheek." You looked at Hoodie before reaching for a napkin but was stopped by Masky

"I'll get it." They both said this at the same time and your heart beat sped up as they got closer and they kissed both sides of your mouth and trailed down to your neck licking and kissing. Your face heat up more and your breath hitched

"I have a crush on both of you." Your eyes widen since you didn't mean to let that slip. You were too scared to look at them but what got you out of your stupor was a low chuckle coming from your right. You looked over at Masky who was smiling

"You don't mind sharing Hoodie do you?" You looked over at Hoodie who had a smirk and he shook his head no

"W-what? You feel the same?! Both of YOU!" You were flabbergasted even more as they both wrapped their arms around you

"You're our little cheesecake." Masky trailed his nose down your neck while Hoodie bit your ear

"We don't s-share." Your eyes widen but you couldn't help the flutter in your chest knowing that you killed two birds with one stone.


Three in one day! Wow I'm on a roll XD

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now