Strangled Red *EDITED*

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You're not going to lie you were extremely scared of Steven when you were first introduced to him. You didn't want to be within a 50 foot vicinity let alone in the same room as him. He had anger issues and even the smallest things can make him explode and want to strangle you or anyone for that matter. That's why you avoided him at all costs you didn't want to be his next victim nor did you want to be in his line of fire on one of his bad days. Of course you couldn't avoid him any more after Slendy paired you up with him for a killing spree. You were a nervous wreck and Steven noticed. He got angry and wanted to know why you assumed he was going to strangle you causing you to feel a bit guilty with the way you acted and treated him. You soon started asking him a few questions wanting to get to know him and after a few curt responses he started to relax a bit around you. After that you guys started talking a bit more often and he opened up a lot to you and he told you his story. You couldn't believe it but you didn't want to show him that much pity so he won't feel like a wuss or get angry and shut you out completely. Personally you think you shouldn't consider it since he can black out breaking your neck in a second. Anyway you chose to open up to him praying you won't regret it and soon you two were the best of friends. The others thought you were crazy-maybe you were- and thought that Steven was setting you up so he can kill you. They were all wrong and you defended him by saying that he's just lonely and needs somebody to be by him and to trust. You realized that along the way with being with him constantly, defending him, spending quality time with him you somehow fell for the strangling maniac. You don't know when but you get butterflies every time you're around him and everything about him drove you crazy! You wanted to tell him how you feel but the fear of jeopardizing your friendship kept you from doing anything. At the moment you were standing in front of Steven's room preparing yourself to knock when it opened and low and behold Steven.
He smiled "I heard you coming Y/N, come inside." He stepped aside so you can go in and he closed the door after you.
You began a conversation "So what's up?"

"I want to show you something." He grabbed your hand and in a swirl of air you were in the Pokemon world. You looked around amazed and next to you was Steven petting his pet Charizard. It was a beautiful sight, he looked so content and you knew that this moment of vulnerability was meant for your eyes only.

"Come and pet him Y/N" You tentatively walked to Charizard and you put your hand on his head and you giggled as you heard him growl happily. He licked your hand and face making you chuckle in glee and hug him as much as you can. While this was going on you didn't notice Steven staring at you with a soft look on his face. You looked up at him and you blushed at the soft look he was giving you. He walked up to you and gave you an unexpected hug. You were compelled to hug him back and when you tried pulling away his grip tightened stilling you. He pulled back a little allowing you to look at him as he placed a soft kiss on your lips in which you returned. He pulled back and looked at you.

"Do you love me like I love you?" You weren't about to hesitate with your response

"I love you with all my heart Steven." He smiled

"Promise to stay with me forever Y/N" You rubbed the back side of your hand down the side of his face resting it on the side of his neck

"I promise." He hugged you tighter to him as the promise was sealed with a sweet kiss.
Edited 2/18/19

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now