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  You remember when you first met Candlejack. You was a newly turned Creepypasta and you were still learning everyone's name but you was still a little rusty.


"Dammit, dammit, what is his name!" You was currently hiding in the shadows of the hallway not having the guts to go down to the kitchen table yet because despite being here a couple of weeks you still haven't met everyone and you don't know everyone's name. You was nervous and you was pretty sure that they forgot your name as well but that didn't keep the butterflies out of your stomach. You breathed in deeply and then exhaled deeply.

"No need to be afraid child" You yelped jumping up hitting your head against the wall you was leaning on some how. You lost your balance and fell backwards somehow landing on your butt. You rubbed your head and looked around searching for the voice and saw no one
"Where did that voice come from?" You once again heard the soothing but sinister voice again in your head
"This is how I speak to all my children Y/N, I speak through telepathy." You sighed shaking your head forgetting that major fact about Slendy
"I forgot about that Slendy." You smirked knowing that if Slender had eyes he would've rolled them.
"Yeah, yeah but come down stairs and eat breakfast. You're new, introduce yourself again and ask their names, they forgot yours too so don't feel bad." He stopped speaking as you nodded to yourself and got up off the floor and dusted yourself. With a new confidence you walked down the stairs and stopped at the table where you sat in between a girl in a pink dress covered head to toe in blood and a boy with a blue mask with black goo coming from the eye holes.
"Hey Y/N! How was your sleep?" You sweat-dropped not remembering her name.
"U-Uh it was fine, how was yours?" She was about to answer when a spoon was flung and hit her in the eye and you heard laughing. You looked across and saw a boy with a carved smile pointing at her and laughing. Next thing you know Jeff is rubbing his head with a bump forming and Slender is 'glaring' at him with a dented frying pan in one of his tentacles
"STOP BEING MEAN TO SALLY JEFF!" You cringed at his volume trying to figure out how is it possible to talk let alone scream without a mouth. All well that's a question for another time. Sally was rubbing her eye and she sniffed "Eyeless go help her wash her eye out and bring her back here." The guy with the blue mask got up and picked up Sally to take her to the bathroom. You blinked looking back at Jeff and Slender. That's one way to find out three names in a span of ten seconds.
"Why you hit me in the head with a frying pan faceless!" Jeff glared up at Slender who was unfazed at the look, maybe he was beyond used to glares and supposedly 'intimidating' looks.
"The same reason you hit Sally." Jeff pouted almost as he rubbed his sorehead and looked the other way. That's when he noticed that you was staring at him and he frowned heavily at you
"What the fuck are you staring at?" You frowned at him crossing your arms.
"I don't know what I'm looking at, enlighten me jack o' lantern." Hie left eye twitched and before he can say anything Slender beat him to the punch.
"Say something else, I'll call your bestfriend." Jeff's white face seemed to get paler as he stared at Slender with something similar to fear in his eyes
"You wouldn't dare." Slender snickered and you was confused as to what was going on.
"Candlejack." Jeff seemed to shrink into the chair as Slender laughed out loud and you was still confused until out of nowhere a ghost looking person appeared with a candlestick in his hand. He had on a white-ish blue head covering with a blue body, a smirk on his face and white eyes.
"You called~" Your eyes widen as Jeff jumped up from his seat with a high pitched squeal and high tailed it out of their. You don't know what came over you but you bust out laughing. Both Slender and this candle jack guy stared at you as you was basically crippled on the floor with laughter. You finally calmed down after a few minutes and you had to wipe tears from your eyes as you sat up.
"Holy shit, I have never laughed so hard in my life. " You got up and stuck your hand out to him. He stared at you before slowly grasping your hand and to your surprise it was solid. "My name is Y/N, nice to meet you candlejack." He turned his head slightly at you before breaking out into a large grin

*End Flashback*

"What the hell did the wall ever do to you?" You screamed as you looked to your left to see Candle-jack sitting next to you with a light smirk on his face.
"Scare the hell out of me because I want to grow prematurely grey right?" He snickered as he threw an arm around you and pulled you into his lap causing your eyes to widen slightly in surprise.
"That's not even what i came in here for." You blushed as he wrapped his arms around you and you hugged him back. You got comfrotable and snuggled into his chest as he gently caressed your back.
"Then what did you come in here for?" He was silent for a few seconds until he made you sit up and look him in the face.
"Will you go out with me Y/N?" Your jaw dropped in surprise. He actually liked you back! You gave him an award winning smile as you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly and he gladly returned the hug
"of course I will Jack!" He laughed smiling genuinely as you both continued to hug and just enjoy being in each other's company
I apologize if the ending seemed to be rushed

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now