Skin Taker

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  A/N: He is in human form, but he doesn't have to be if you prefer him the way he is
At the moment you was hanging around with Pirate Percy and he was making random chit chat with you.
"So what kind of instruments have you played before?" You thought for a minute
"Well I have played the flute, the trumpet, the guitar, the piano, the drums and the saxophone before, however currently I play the piano and the guitar." (Those are all the instruments I have played before in the past, but if there are any other instruments you have played or play that's not up there then by all means replace them with whatever you like and want.)
"That's a lot, I only know how to play the flute unfortunately." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and you couldn't help but laugh as his light blush intensified."
"No worries! There's a lot of people, that I know who either haven't played an instrument before or they don't know how to play any at all." You smiled at him as thought for a second before nodding his head in agreement
"Well that is true. But I don't fall in those categories! I know how to play one instrument and that is my beloved flute." He held up said flute proudly waving it around and showing it off like it was a trophy. You rolled your eyes and threw your hands up in playful exasperation.
"Oh who cares! Even if you belong in a separate category, you still did a lot more than a whole bunch of people I know. So quit looking for a loophole and accept the fact that you play one instrument and go about your business" You gave him a big smile and he pouted slightly at you, but ended up smiling anyway.
"Fine, fine it's whatever, you're right." You nodded your head and snapped your fingers in a z formation
"Of course I'm right! I'm a woman and we are always right even when you think we're wrong." He rolled his eyes before giving you a pointed look
"Don't get in over your head kid." Your mouth dropped as your face went red with indignation. Before you can say anything though, he cut you off with a question. "You know since you know how to play so many instruments, maybe you can show me?" He stepped closer to you and wrapped an arm around you.
"Of course, when do you want me to?" Before he can answer, a voice from behind you interrupted him
"Not now. I have something that I want to show you Y/N" You turned around at the unexpected voice and you saw your boyfriend Skin Taker there with his red eyes focused on Percy and his arm around you.
"Hey Skin Taker! I'll talk to you later Percy." You turned and hugged Percy before following Taker to wherever he wanted to show you. While you was talking to you, you completely missed the fact that he threw a hateful look at Percy while Percy returned the look with just as much venom. You two walked before you got outside and sat down on the steps of the mansion. It was a cool night and you loved how the cool air felt on your face after being in a hot and stuffy mansion for so long. "So Skin? What was it you wanted to show me?" He looked bashful as his cheeks tinged pink and he coughed before scratching his chin not meeting your eyes
"Well...I have nothing to show you honestly." You gave him a confused puppy look making him sigh "I just wanted you to get away from Percy." You looked at him and nodded your head in understanding
"Why?" He looked you this time in the eyes
"Because I don't trust him! That guy has a vendetta against me and he's willing to do anything to make sure I'm miserable!" He glared at nothing in particular, but you couldn't help but giggle at him
"Oh, my jealous bug~" He sputtered as you got up and sat in his lap hugging him around the neck. He grumbled but he still wrapped his arms around you protectively.
"I don't like Percy like that, I never will, I'm in love with you. everything about you is perfect and I'll be a damn fool to throw away a person as kind, gentle, sweet and protecting as you are." You looked into his red eyes showing him that you wasn't lying. He smiled gently at you before pressing his lips to you in a smooth, gentle kiss. You both pulled apart and stayed like that enjoying each other's company and looking at the night sky.
"I love you so much, Y/N...Please don't ever leave me." He sounded truly scared and it broke your heart a little
"Never will dream of it, my heart in human form~"
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Remember, "No eyes but always watching"  

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now