Itsy Bitsy

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  You were a nature person (go with the story if you're not a nature person please Hank you I love you XD) and you were outside enjoying the scenery. You was sitting underneath a weeping willow and you was enjoying the view that you had. The weeping willow was hanging down in all areas but there was one spot that gave you a view of the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, he flowers just everything and you absolutely loved it. When you first came to the creepy pasta mansion you already liked nature but Slender,a gave you a whole new appreciation for it and its inhabitants. You watched as butterflies were flying all around you ( personally I don't like butterflies don't judge me). One landed on your nose and you stayed still as two more landed on both of your hands. The one on your nose was a monarch butterfly as its orange and black wings shines in the sunlight making it look red. The one on your right hand was blue with green specs in its wings. You giggled startling both of the butterflies making them fly away. You looked at the last one and it was red and black. Those colors reminded you of something or more specifically someone. You watched the butterfly a little longer before it flew away. You sighed and smiled softly as you let your thoughts flow. That red and black person you was thinking of was Eodistra aka Itsy Bitsy. You was hopelessly in love with him. Too bad he didn't feel the same. You turned your head and saw a black widow spider in its web about to home in on its prey which was a fly. The spider made you think more of the spider obsessed guy. "Why does everything remind me of him?" You shook your head and turned to get up but froze when in front of you a few feet away from you was a black bear. It's head was turned just staring at you and you didn't blink, breath or move scared that it might charge at you. You gulped and you felt every hair on your body stand up as he growled at you. You shook because you couldn't believe your luck. The bear roared amusing you to flinch and fall on your butt. The bear started pawing at the ground and you felt your heart in your throat. "Please don't fucking eat me." As if fate was against you the bear started moving towards you and you curled into a ball on the ground covering your neck. Dammit this is how you was going to die? After everything that you have been through your going to die by being mauled to death and then eaten by a bear. You felt the ground shake as the bear charged and you screwed your eyes tight waiting for he pain. Five seconds. Ten seconds. You was waiting for pain but it never came. So what was making the bear roar and howl in pain? You took a chance and peaked your head up and your eyes widen and jaw slacked. The bear was writhing on the ground owning softly and twitching as black and red little things were crawling all over it. The bear eventually stopped moving still swarmed by the little critters but when you took a closer look you noticed that they were spiders. "SPIDERS!" There's only one person who can swarm a whole bunch of spiders like that onto anything.
"Aren't they beautiful my dear?" You helped and jumped as you looked beside you to see Eodistra staring at you with a light smirk on his face. You breathed a sigh of relief as you clutched your heart
"Itsy! You scared me! Don't do that!" You pouted at him as he chuckled at your expression
"But you're so easy to scare~" he laughed but it was cut short as you threw your arms around him in a hug causing him to freeze up and stiffen.
"Thank you for saving me." You hid your face in his chest and his eyes widen before softening and he gently returned he hug holding you close to him
"Anything for you Y/N" He gently kissed you on top of your head as you two continued hugging not paying the dead bear or the swarm of spiders no mind at all.
"Eodistra..." He glanced down at you as you looked up at him with a blush dusting your cheeks. You looked so cute right now that all he wanted to do was kiss you. The both of you didn't realize that you was getting closer until your lips were centimeters away from each other.
"Can I Y/N?" His eyes never left yours and as you slightly nodded he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you gently closing his eyes in the process. You closed your eyes too and you fell in love with him all over again. You both pulled away and looked at each other with soft smiles " You don't know how long I waited to do that." You giggled as he gave you an Eskimo kiss. "Y/N will you be my spider queen?" You smiled brightly at him
"Of course I will." He gave you the most genuine smile you have ever seen grace his face.
i feel like the more one shots I write the more romantic and mushy they get but I still like it XD  

*EDITING!* Creepypasta X reader one shots *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now