Chapter 4 - a wedding to crash

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A wedding to crash


The gang spies on the wedding location from behind some large black rocks. Guests lined up outside the venue, waiting to get in.

"Careful Raps! We all know what happens when you touch those." Cass warns.

"Hey, Rapunzel wasn't the only one to touch the rocks!" Varian crosses his arms.

Cass ignores him.

Rapunzel realises then backs away from them.

Cass groans, "I was hoping there would be more people here to make it easier to slip by."

Sophie and Varian glance at each other then smirk, "Make a distraction." Varian blurts out.

"It's how we snuck into the castle and kidnapp- Yeah, you know what happened." Varian rubs the back of his neck.

"I guess StaLyAn doesn't have that many friends." Rapunzel spat, completely ignoring Varian's idea. "What kind of a name is Stalyan anyway?"

"I've gotta admit, I honestly thought they were talking about a horse marriage until I saw her." Varian chuckles.

Once again they ignore him.

"What's her sister's name? Bronco?" Rapunzel teased.

"Rapunzel! Focus, we dont have time for jealousy!"

"Jealousy?!" Rapunzel laughs, "I am not Jealous!"

Varian scoffs, "Oh please, you totally are!" Varian and Sophie snicker to get ignored again.

"Oh C'mon! Is this ignore Varian month or something!? It's just like being back at old Corona again! Except for THIS Time, I can't just go hide in my lab AWAY from everyone because its completely DESTROYED and HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY!!!"

"And I was TRYING to give you ideas to get into that stupid wedding! But oh noOo! Ignore the Alchemist!" Varian breathes heavily from the tantrum.

Cass and Rapunzel stare blankly at Varian, shocked at his sudden outburst.

Varian groans then slowly slides down a nearby boulder, wrapping his arms around his knees then sighs, "I'm fifteen in a month and I'm acting like a seven-year-old..." he huffs.

Rapunzel comes over and puts her hand on his shoulder, "No, it's okay... We understand, Sometimes we all need to get our emotions out." She smiles lightly.

Varian lifts his head up shocked at Rapunzel.

"So, what are your ideas?" She asks smiling.

Varian smiles then hums in thought, "Well, we could have a chance of fighting our way in... but that would probably be a bad idea..."

He stands up and paces up and down thinking, "Oh! We could sneak in with the power of alchemy!" He grins like a dork.

"Ooorr, we could use the help of Varadaros' little sweetheart?" Rapunzel added pointing towards the girl from before pushing a cart.

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