Chapter 23 - King Pascal

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King Pascal


The ocean waves shimmered in the light as the wind brushed against your skin.

“Woah, this is so beautiful!” you stare into the water and see the fish dancing in the waves.

Varian clung onto the side of the boat, “Did I ever tell you how much I HATE the ocean?” 

Lance chuckles, “We all know, Varian. We spent two hours convincing you to come on until Cass threatened to leave you on your own, remember?”

“Oh, yeah, right. Heh.” 

Leo swoops down and lands on your shoulder. You smile, “Enjoying the ocean view, Leo? It must be amazing up there.”

Leo stares at you blankly.

“Oh, yeah I already have experienced it! And I never want too again. Hah.”

Sophie swings around the whole boat using a rope and nearly crashes into Eugene, “Sophie, for the last time, stop doing that! You're gonna knock someone off the boat!”

You smirks “Oh, don’t worry Eugene, she wouldn't do that on accident.”

“You, missy. Know me too well.” Sophie replies.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel is drawing in her journal,  “ Pascal, Isn't there anything better than having the sun on your face,  and the wind blowing through your hair- blowing through your scales?”

Varian whimpered slightly at the rocking waves, you notice and walk over to him, “Wanna hold my hand, Varbear?” he quickly grabs hold of you, “Oh, okay, I'll take that as a yes, heh.”

Eugene enjoys the wind going through his hair, “You know, when I saw the block rock trail going across the water, I had my doubts about converting the caravan into a boat.”

Leo flies over to you and points towards the direction of massive black clouds as lighting and thunderstruck, “Heh, I don't think those doubts were completely unfounded, Eugene.”

Black clouds swarmed the sky, the wind sharpened like pitchforks and what once was a beautiful day had turned into a dark mess.

Pascal goes over to ring the bell but gets rung with it, “STORM!” Cass shouts.

Everyone slipped and slides all over the deck, trying to keep balance, Varian held onto you for his life while you tried to also keep your self up too.

“Don't worry! My calculations say we will just miss it!” Lance happily says as a wave crashes straight over the boats, soaking everyone. “When will you ignore the things I say!”

"Please... just leave me to calculations, Lance!!" Varian shouts.

You manage to get Varian holding onto the caravan and not you while Rapunzel and yourself jump onto the top of the boat.

“Listen up! The thing to do is remain calm.” Rapunzel shouts.

“Really? I thought the most important thing to do would not drown!” Hook foot replies.

“Shut it Hook foot. now,  Eugene, Lance, Sophie, grab the helm, we need to hit those waves at a 45-degree angle-”

“Actually, the specific angle would be-”

You interrupt Varian, “Varbear, i love ya, but a 45-degree angle will be fine, kinda an emergency right now. Cass, Var and hook-foot, empty the bilge.” They all nod and run off, well Varian tried to anyway. “Max, Sebby, Fiddela? You three help Rapunzel and I tie everything down. Leo, you go in the sky and see if there's a safe way out of the storm. And be careful! Ruddiger, Ash you go see if your owners need any help, And DON’T cause any mischief.”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now