Chapter 22 - I am not annoyed... I AM NOT ANNOYED

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I am not annoyed... I AM NOT ANNOYED!


Dusk had unfortunately come and the dreaded day of climbing the mountain had arrived.

Varian nudges you lightly with a sleepy smirk on his face, “Morning Milady.”

“Not yet… just a few more… years.”

Varian laughs softly as he leans against you and slowly closes his eyes with a peaceful grin on his face.

The door bursts open as Calliope marches forward. “RISE AND SHINE PEOPLE! A NEW DAY IS CALLING!!” 

Everybody moans and wakes up slowly.

“Can you give us some time to wake up? None of us had a good rest last night. ” Sophie asks with a pleading voice.

“Nope! That's your fault, silly kids!” Calliope marches along, “EVERYONE FOLLOW ME!!”

“Find her annoying now?” Eugene asks.

“Cmon cmon cmon! Like this! Left-right, left-right, left-right. If we wanna get to the top of the spire we need to pick up the pace!! Les go! We're burning daylight people!”

Everyone groans.

“You guys go ahead, ima stay here for a while…” 

Sophie rubs her eyes, “Ima join in with you…”

“C’mon guys... It's a new day!” Rapunzel smiles  

“Yeah, Let’s give Calliope a chance…” You add.


You and  Rapunzel laugh awkwardly that soon turns into a groan.

Varian runs up to you, “Listen, why don’t we hang out at the back of the group.”

“Yeah, and you Blondie. Let Cass and I be the irritation buffer, besides we have experience being annoyed with people.”

You smirk, “I have experience being annoyed with you.”

Eugene furrows his eyebrows as Cass high fives you, “And there's the sassy kid we all know.”

“For the last time, I’m not annoyed with her! Just getting to know her!” Rapunzel awkwardly hugs Eugene. “I'm sure there's more behind her eccentric, know it all and think she's soooo much better than everybody else exterior there has to be some shred of human decency, right?”

Eugene looks at you, “Please, can at least say you're annoyed with Calliope?”

“I'll say that I sometimes get annoyed with you guys, yes. But to a random person? That we just met? No way. Besides,  we should give her a chance. There must be at least a little decency in that annoying- Nope be calm… no time for hating someone.”

Everyone else went ahead while Varian stayed with you for a moment.

He moves a piece of your hair behind your ear, “Sweetheart if you bottle it up, it’s just gonna get worse until you explode. Take me for an example. well, it took a potion but you know what I mean. Heh.” 

You intertwine your fingers with his, “I assure you I'm fine, Varbear.”

Varian smiles warmly at you, he goes to kiss you but…


Varian pouts, “Now can I say I  ‘h word’ her?”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now