Chapter 15 - Did Leo just...

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Question, what would Leo sound like if he could talk?


Did Leo just...


You look at your reflection in a black rock, "I- I'm a bird..."

"I've always said you were a cute chick," Varian smirks.

You raise a brow, "Who taught you that?!"


You facewing, "Of course he did."

Lately, Eugene has been telling Varian loads of little phrases like that, and lately, you've had to keep telling Eugene to shut the hell up.

Gotta keep the bean innocent for as long as possible, am I right?

"Fly along darlings, you only have an hour, remember? Your friends, Rapunzel and Cassandra have already gone." The woman reminds you.

You glance up to see Sophie swooping around in the sky.

"You have got to try this! Do you know how many robberies would have been easier with that tea?!" Sophie smirks.

You can tell what she's thinking, "I gotta admit that is true, but that doesn't mean we're gonna rob someone."

"Awh- I mean that's OfFenSivE! I would NeVeR think of something like that."

You flap your wings and shoot into the air, "Woah!"

"You've got it!" Sophie laughs. "Your turn nerd brain."

Varian gulps as he flaps his wings, Suddenly he flies into the sky.

"Aha! I got it!" He laughs.

You quickly wipe the smile off your face, "VARIAN WATCH OUT FOR THE-"


You grimace, "Tree..."

Varian hugs onto the tree and says with a huff, "I'm not moving anymore!"

"Oh C'mon nerd brain! You need to live a little." Sophie says.

"Yes, I will happily live a little, in my own body!" Varian replies.

You smile at him before landing on the same branch.

An idea pops into your head, "I wonder what makes birds fly? I mean, if  they're not magic something must make them fly."

"Oh that's simple, The pressure difference causes an upward force called lift, which enables the bird to fly. Why do you ask?"

"Well, isn't this like an experiment? You can test how it works for yourself! Its something we'll never get to do again."

"I suppose so... but I just flew into a tree! What else am I gonna fly into?"

Sophie swoops down onto the branch and smirks, "The sky."

"C'mon! We only have so long." You take off.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now