Chapter 20 - How Eugene met (__)

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How Eugene and (__) met.


"Okay, so we have three hours before sunset, what should we do?" Rapunzel asks as she snuggles into Eugene.

"Uhhh, how about there?" You point to a City directly in front of you all.

"Let's go!" Rapunzel squeals.

"Woah, Woah, Woah ladies. Remember the first city we went to? We had to battle off Weasel and his crew? Dunno about you but I don't feel like beating some more idiots in a battle after a bunch of snakes nearly bit our heads off."

"Okay, so maybe we could take a break from that... Look, Why don't we quickly go to the city, grab some stuff for a picnic and then we can tell some stories?" You suggest.

"Great idea (__)!" Rapunzel giggles. "But we don't have any money."

"Varian has some since we spent all of our money on the monkey. surely Varian believes in picnics." You smirk while Varian nods innocently.

"Great! Well, who wants to tell a story first? You know, while we travel to the city?"

Eugene clears his throat, "Oh oh oh! I'm sure I can pull off a little story." Eugene winks at you. "This is how I Eugene Fitzherbert, also known as Flynn Rider back in the day, met the one and only Miss Starlight Striker, also known as, (__)."

Rapunzel and Varian's eyes widen, intrigued while you remember the eventful day, well, months.

"It all started back in the orphanage... When (__) came to hell- Sorry Rapunzel, the Orphanage. something about her always stood out from the rest of the kids, yet I didn't know what."

Rapunzel squeals, "Awww! So you two were close before you even knew each other!!"

"I guess you could say that..."


You sat in the same room your father left you in, it had been two weeks since he left and there was no sign of him coming back.

You still had hope though, after all, you were Old Saporia's go-to girl. You didn't live a normal three nearly four-year-old life in Old Saporia, after all, One day you would be leading the village so you had to be prepared.

Your dad had to come back for you... eventually.

Knock on the door brings you back to reality. "(__) darling?"

You turn your head to face the woman, "Yes Miss Ferra?

"Are you gonna come out of this room? It's been a while now and I think your eyes could use a break from looking out of that window."

You didn't respond, instead just kept looking out of the window, watching pedestrians walk by.

The woman sighed and sat down beside you, "C'mon Hunny, why don't we have a little chat."

"Is daddy back?" You glance at the woman.

"No Hunny-"

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Your intentions went back onto the outside world.

"Look, I have someone I want you to meet, Eugene? Can you come in here please?"

After a few minutes, a young teen came to the door and leaned on the frame with his arms crossed, "What's up? And I don't go by 'Eugene' anymore, remember?"

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now