Chapter 40 - the truth of the moonstone

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The truth of the moonstone...

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"I really want answers and I'm sick of not getting any when I ask adults who know a lot more than I do..."

Well, here it is. It was time to pass through a tree that would lead you to your destiny. Or through a crazy person's house, but either way, you were on your way to your purpose. Which do you prefer: death or a significant possibility of death?

"All right, guys, let's go through this tree." Rapunzel took the initiative.

Except for one individual, everyone began to go towards the tree, passing through the tunnel. Cass took a deep breath as she realised no one would wait for her. "Fine."

"Oh, here kid, your sword," Adira said as She gave your weapon back to you.

You took your sword and placed it back in its scabbard. "Thanks, Adira."

Once you got through the tunnel, you looked around at the surroundings, it was incredible! Yet scary. All the way up the ginormous trunk of the tree a spiral platform surrounded the outskirts and up until you couldn't see any more. The tree was so big, it made all the regular-sized trees inside of it seem like ants!

"The great tree..." Rapunzel spoke in awe.

You walked further into it, trying to see how high this place really went, "It's beautiful, but are you telling me we have to walk all the way up there?"

"Yeah, it's great, but we need to keep moving if we wanna stay ahead of Hector," Cass stated as she walked along, not paying attention to where she was headed. Pascal gasped as he saw the cliff's edge and dashed in front of Cass, making as much noise as he could. Cass freaked as she drew her foot dangerously close to the brink. "Woah... Thanks, buddy."

Rapunzel sighed in relief, "That was close." Cass frowned at her, something clearly bothering her. I wonder what's up? "Guys look!" Rapunzel pointed, everyone looked in that direction.

The only way to get through the tree is... Well, Let's just say it won't be as simple as Cass hoped it would be.

"It looks like we have to go all the way up one road..." Eugene remarked this as he traced the trail with his finger.

"And down the other..." Rapunzel finished his sentence.

"Then I guess that's what we have to do. Come on." Cass ordered. "This place gives me the creeps."

"Ugh, me too," Hookfoot replied.

"That's probably because this tree was once known as the tree of Zhan Tiri." Adira sliced a dead tree away from an engraving on the wall. A picture of Zhan Tiri in her demon form.

"Wait, wait wait, The ancient sorcerer whose magic caused a deadly storm that nearly destroyed Corona?" Rapunzel freaked.

"Wait, a DEMON looking thing caused THAT storm? And when were you gonna tell us this?" Varian asked, crossing his arms.

"You never gave us the chance too," Rapunzel explained.

"I know for certain reasons why we don't mention those days very often, but let's not forget his little art teacher buddy who turned you into a zombie."

"How can we forget that? I used that star crystal incantation to kick him and Sugaracha back into the other world like a boss!" You laughed, recalling the events of that day. Even when you were thinking about the incantation in your head, your white streak shone brightly.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now