Chapter 35 - the swinging rocks... OF DOOM!

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Swinging rocks... OF DOOM!

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 A mysterious, loud rumbling caught everyone's attention, especially Eugene’s. He gasped, “Rapunzel!” In a flash Eugene ran out the door, quickly followed by everyone else.

Something sounding dangerous and a little disturbing?

Yeah, gotta be Raps...

Meanwhile, Rapunzel trembled back, Hookfoots idea of the ‘anti curse’ had backfired. Literally. The cauldron shot straight into the air, bouncing off a tree that was near Hookfoot.

Quickly he leapt down the tree for his life and headed back in Rapunzel’s direction.

Eugene gasped, seeing Rapunzel just insight, “RAPUNZEL!” He shouted, as he saw the cauldron coming in the distance, heading straight for Rapunzel’s back. Eugene and Cass leapt to push Rapunzel out of the way, the cauldron barely missing everyone and falling down the cliffside.

Everyone looked down the edge in relief, “That was a close one.”

Finally, something that hasn't hurt anyone, crashed into someone or just in general been a complete disaster…


Suddenly a noise from behind caught your attention, “EVERYONE DUCK!”

Spoke too soon...

Nearly everyone leapt out of the way and onto the damp grass, barely missing the psycho cauldron. Except for one person.

Hookfoot. “Oh boy…”

Eugene Rapped his arm around Rapunzel, raising his eyebrow in confusion, “You guys might wanna get a different recipe for spinach soup…”

Hookfoot pulled the cauldron off his head in a grunt, “Well, it was supposed to be a counter curse.”

Rapunzel sighed, looking down at the ground in defeat, “It’s no use hookfoot. There's only one thing left to do, return the telescope to madame Canardist tomorrow morning and put an END to this curse.”

Varian frowned, actually taking his head out of his book for once, a weird sight for him with a brand new book. “But princess, that telescope’s important to you…”

“Varian’s right, why get rid of something that has so much value to you?” Eugene asked.

Hookfoot slammed his hand down on Eugene’s arm, “Eugene my man, if the lady wants to return it, let her return it.”

“Yeah, we’ll pitch in and get her a new one!” Cass agreed. “A better one, one with… more glass!”

Rapunzel sighed, “I’ll take it back tomorrow morning, if I can even make it through the night!” she walked away, “Oh look, a family of black cats…” Sudden screeching occurred, hm, the black cats sure didn't like Raps huh…

“Let's just go to bed guys, it's getting late.” Cass chimed in, following Rapunzel.

Soon everyone left, leaving just you, Varian and Eugene. Eugene sighed, starting to walk back, “Well, no point standing here kids, let's go-”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now