Chapter 16 - Vigor the Visionary

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Vigor the Visionary


It's a nice spring morning, Leo found some birds to play with, Ruddiger ran around the horses while you, Eugene, Rapunzel and Varian admired the view.

"I'm so excited to see what you planned for our date," Rapunzel says.

"Why did we have to come?" You ask as Varian wraps his arms around you.

Since the kiss, Varian has become obsessed with cuddling you. I mean, not gonna complain he's the most comfortable pillow ever, but it's like he's got an obsession over you.

"Well, Varian and I decided to try that double date thing again, but with people we've known for more than a night," Eugene explains.

"And don't you worry your majesty, We've got it covered. We entrusted Max and Sebastian here to seek out and deliver us to the most primo and romantic spot around." Varian says as he helps you off Sebastian.

"You'll see, we're talking dinner for four, stars twinkling above, the works!" Eugene wraps an arm around Rapunzel.

Varian picks you up, "Now, we're not saying it's going to top of our trees blossoming, million dreams first date, but I kinda am." He boops your nose and smirks, deviously.

"You class that as a first date?" You ask.

"Oh yeah, do you?" He rubs the back of his neck, forgetting he picked you up, making you fall to the ground.


"Oh my alchemy!" Varian offers you a hand to help you up.

You take it and stand up, "Thanks. and i was just surprised, 'cause I do too."

"Heh, I've gotta be honest, I look really pretty today," Varian says whilst brushing your hair out of your eyes.

You can giggle, "Yes Varian, you do look very pretty." You peck a kiss on his cheek.

He flushes red in embarrassment, "I mean, You! You look really pretty today! Sorry just a little nervous, heh."

Eugene and Rapunzel smile warmly at you both.

Eugene places a hand on your shoulder, "C'mon kids, you have the whole day to flirt with each other. Now Max wanna show us the perfect spot?"


"An apple tree? Seriously!? That's the best you've got?" Eugene says as he blows a leaf away from his face, "Ugh, I should've asked the frog to come along, he would've come up with someone better than this."

"It's okay Eugene, planning a normal date is hard when you're in the middle of nowhere, nevermind a double date. We can just play it by ear." Rapunzel says as she gets down off Eugene's shoulders.

"Well, anything's better than the horses' plan." Eugene chuckles, making the horses grunt.

Meanwhile, you and Varian were fooling around in the field, trying to catch each other.

Suddenly some chiming catches everyone's attention. You and Varian run back over to Rapunzel and Eugene.

"Can you hear that?" Rapunzel asks.

"You mean those out of place, mystical chimes in the middle of the forest? Yeah." Eugene smiles.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now