Chapter 41 - A monster leashed within

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A Monster leashed within

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"Just let me know when you want me to help, and I always will for you, Cass."

"Are you serious? You really want me to come with you to welcome the princess into the castle today?" You beamed, sitting on Cass's bed. "I gotta admit, that sounds way more exciting than cleaning with the girls in the kitchen. And yesterday was just as boring, spending the day with Old Scowly Crowly. And tomorrow Fredric asked me to come to join them while he does his job, observing under the watch of your dad. Why does King Fredric want me to spend so much time at the castle anyway? I haven't seen Varian in a whole week!"

Cass was getting ready for the day in her room, making sure everything was perfect before meeting her highness, "This is just for today, (__). King Fredric wants you to learn the ways of the castle, See what jobs you like, you know? He has high expectations for you after you and Fitzherbert brought his daughter back, and with Fitzherbert being in the castle now, he doesn't want you to get into any more trouble."

"What does he mean trouble?" You asked obliviously.

"Really want me to answer that?" Cass sassed.

"Oh, right." You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, " I just don't get it though, Does his majesty want me to be a pretty princess or a lady in waiting or something?" You mumbled. "And why do I have to wear a lady in waiting dress like you and Friedborg... Plus, I think I would rather take the princess job, at least then I don't have to follow in someone else's shadows."

Cass smirked, "Oh, is it really that bad being a lady in waiting? Never had guessed. You never know what the future holds, Kid. Now C'mon, we don't want to keep her highness waiting." Cassandra placed an arm around your shoulders. "Now remember, it's princess or your highness, I know you knew her in the tower and your good friends but today, you're doing my job with me, got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" You reassured her.

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Rapunzel ran down the halls of the castle, holding so many books to the point her vision was blocked. "This is amazing!" She cheered.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet, your highness! This is only the east wing. You should see the north wing, it's the fanciest place I've ever seen." You chattered, carrying the rest of Rapunzel's books.

"I still can't get over that library. Are you guys sure I can go anytime I want?" Rapunzel asked.

Cassandra took the lead to Rapunzel's room, "You're the princess. You can do whatever you want." She opened up the doors, "Forgive me, your highness, but I couldn't help but notice you tend to collect... everything." Cass looked up at the lanterns that were attached to the roof from Rapunzel's 18th birthday celebration.

"I can't help it, it's all so new!" Rapunzel laughed.

"That's why I got you something you might find useful." Cass pulled out a blue satchel, as blue and perfect as it could be.

Rapunzel threw all of her books in the air and ran over to Cass.

You sighed as you started to pick them all up. Really, Rapunzel?

"Oh my gosh, Cassandra!" She turned around, "Oh, (__) you don't have to do that."

"Oh, thank you, your highness." You smiled brightly.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now