chapter 26 - Happiness is?

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Happiness is?


A long time ago...

It was a dark, stormy night. Lighting struck across the gloomy sky as a terrified Lorb ran up a temple, with a bunch of Lorbs chasing him.

In a hurry, the Lorb pulled out a mysterious looking object and placed it in a holder, he went to smash it with a stone but stopped, eyes glowing red. Suddenly he threw it, making it go into a large, overgrown pit.


Everyone was around the campfire, partying and just having a fun time, after all, after a few weeks of being on the island, everyone needed something to cheer everyone up.

You and Cass finally were starting to get your old relationship back! Boy, it took a while but she finally was starting to get closer to you again. Just like sisters.

Everyone was getting their close relations back, and a party was needed for. Almost like a celebration of being besties again?

"Boy! Lorbs sure do know how to party, huh Blondie? Where's Blondie?" Eugene glanced around.

Varian shrugged, Drinking some coconut milk, "Now I come to think about it... Where's (__)?"

"I'm sure they're on their way, after all, who would want to miss this." Cass pointed to Lance and Hookfoot dancing while Sophie was rolling on the floor, laughing at them.


Meanwhile, you and Rapunzel were looking at all the lanterns, having some sister bonding time.
"Look at this one! They put my name on it!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"Oooh! And this one has a portrait of whoever made it!" Rapunzel dragged you over to the Lantern.

"Ohhhh! He lives in Old Corona! Weird guy... he does nothing but stays in the background when Sophie Varian and I were talking."

Rapunzel gasped, pulling you away from the lantern once again, "Look at this one, sis! It's- it's... I don't know what it is... I still can't get over how many they are!"

"Of course, The people love you Raps!"

Your eyes drew over to a lantern that stood out to you, a lantern that had a picture you drew... of Varian, Quirin and yourself...

You picked it up, staring straight at it, you could remember making it with Varian and Quirin. Somehow, Varian managed to make his explode, meaning you only let yours into the air- almost like a family lantern.

Suddenly, Rapunzel called you over, "(__) Come here. It's a note from our dad..."

"Well, your father, Rapunzel. I'm not sure if he would think of me as his daughter now." You said, still keeping your eyes on the picture of Varian and Quirin looking so happy together.


"I'm sure he does! Look, just hear what this says. 'Dear Rapunzel, It's been sixteen years since I last held you in my arms. In those sixteen years, there hasn't been a moment where I haven't thought of you. Though I still imagine you as the baby we lost, I know wherever you are, you've grown. But no matter how long you are away, or how far you go, know that Corona will always be your home..."


You remembered it clear as day. It was the first time you had to leave Varian and Quirin, if you knew back then what would've happened now, you would have fought to stay at old Corona with your life.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now