Chapter 46 - Varian's beginning

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Hey everyone! So before this chapter begins I would just like to say this is just a one-off chapter. I wanted to use an idea I had for the VERY first chapter of a chance at life but I was too inexperienced to write something like this so I wrote it now as Varian's side of the beginning! (If that makes sense)

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Varian's beginning

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It had been a few days since your memories had been erased, and for the first time in a long time, everything had returned to normal. Cassandra and Rapunzel were slowly learning to accept each other again, and you, Sophie, and Varian were slowly figuring out your small problem, but everything else was exactly the same as it had been six months previously! Except for one thing: everyone was bored out of their minds.

Sophie laid on the top bunk bed, her head hanging off the side, “Ugh, how come when we don't want any weird people they suddenly appear but as soon as we want some excitement Nothing happens?”

Lance threw a piece of crumpled-up paper up in the air and caught up, “Yeah, where's the rhino guy when you need him?”

“Uh, guys? Can I remind you, those people try to kill us? For once we have some peace… let's just enjoy it.” Rapunzel responded as she wrote in her journal with her squeaky quill, god she needs a new one.

You rolled your eyes, “Rapunzel your quill, I think it's long past its retirement stage.”

Varian kept to himself as he read his book, he raised it slightly higher to distract himself from the noise as everyone continued to talk.

Cass sharpened her sword, staring at the blade, “You know, this would be perfect to try on someone, how about you Eugene?” 

Eugene thought for a moment, “I mean, I wouldn't mind using my sword- Oh that wasn't what you meant. Got it.” He crossed his arms and scowled.

Rapunzel closed her journal, “Okay, everyone is starting to get annoyed with each other, how about we do something to pass time?”

You rolled your eyes, “Like what? Not sure if you guessed this but this caravan is called the kingdom of boredom.”

“No, pretty sure this is Bertha,” Shorty Mumbled. 

Rapunzel gasped, “How about a story? I’m sure Eugene-”

“NO. If I have to hear one more story of Eugene and Lance being devil may care rouges I might puke.” Sophie answered.

Varian shoved the bookmark in his book and shut it abruptly, he placed it down next to him with force, “No, it's fine, I’m sure there's nothing in that book that is as interesting as to what's taking place now. After all, I can come back to it when absolutely no one is around.”

Rapunzel grinned, “Perfect! You got any stories, Varian? We’ve had how Eugene met (__), How you met Sophie… Ooo, how about how you met (__)?”

You smiled, “Even how cool that sounds, that story has already been told…”

“Not Varian’s side.” Rapunzel answered, “Well?”

Varian thought back, “Well… I remember it started In Old Corona… I was getting ready to go to the kingdom's markets on my own for the first time for my dad.”

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A rooster cawed in the break of dawn, Varian was placing the last of the crops and gold into a basket ready for trading down in Corona,  He understood how much faith his father had placed in him to allow him to do this for the first time on his own, and there was no way in eternity he would let him down. 

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