Chapter 21 - Keeper of the spire

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Keeper of the spire


The stars shined bright upon the caravan as you,  Rapunzel and Varian talked to Adira.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group tried to listen into the conversation. 

“They've been at it for a while, what could they be talking about?” Eugene whispered.

“SHH! I’m trying to eavesdrop!” Cass complains.

Sophie hums in thought, “I wonder what they're saying...”

Lance pets Sophie's head like a dog, “No need to worry dear child, I can read lips. Follow your dust, to me.”

In the meantime, Rapunzel held the two ripped pieces of the scroll, “Follow our destiny? How is this supposed to tell us our destiny if we can’t read it? And why didn't you give me this piece of scroll earlier (__)?”

“I forgot! We've been pretty busy lately.” You cross your arms.

Rapunzel raises a brow suspiciously then slaps herself mentally for even thinking like that.

Varian carefully Takes the pieces of scroll from Rapunzel, “It's in an ancient language, Agh, if only I had my books with me I could have translated it.”

Ruddiger jumps onto Varians shoulder and chitters mischievously as Ash stood at Varians feet in a grudge. Obviously, Ruddiger stole something from Ash.

“So, if we can't read it, where are we supposed to go?” You ask.

“You three need to find your next scroll piece at the spire, and the keeper will take you to it.” Adira points to the mountain.

Rapunzel smiles determinedly as she walks back to the group, “Okay guys! Time for another hike!”

Everyone except you groan slightly.

“Where too?” Eugene asks.

Rapunzel points to the top of the mountain, and once again everyone groans but this time a lot louder.

You roll your eyes, “C’mon guys, the longer we moan for, the longer we have to climb this mountain.”

“That's the spirit! As long as we don't take any breaks for sleep, food or water we’ll make it by dawn!” Rapunzel laughs as she leads ahead.

"Never mind, I wanna join in on that last groan."


After a long hike, everyone eventually got to a mysterious building.

Cass looks around suspiciously as she makes sure she can see You, Sophie and Varian ahead of her. “Stay together everyone, especially you three.” 

“Well, we're on a narrow, elevated road, I don't see many options,” Sophie whispers back, earning a smirk from Lance.

“Actually, You know what,  kids, get next to Eugene, It’s too quiet and I don’t like it,” Cass says as she looks in each direction she possibly could.

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