Chapter 28- A prank day gone wrong

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A prank day gone wrong


The night twinkled through the dark sky as everyone sat around the campfire.

 A few weeks had passed since the idol had been destroyed and everyone seemed a little glum. After having everything they ever wanted, it must've been hard to realize that they didn't have it.

Though, Varian and Rapunzel’s relationship is slightly strained again, since Rapunzel basically admitted she still fears that Varian will take over the kingdom again.

You can’t blame him for being annoyed though, after all, you thought everyone had moved on from that?


The next morning was as strained as the night before, Rapunzel shut you journal to get your attention, she stood up onto a rock,  “Alright everyone! Listen in!” She shouted. “Sophie and I have an announcement!”

Everyone looked at Rapunzel confused as Sophie stood next to Rapunzel with a hat.

“What's up princess?” Hookfoot asked.

“Well, as you all know, since the idol being destroyed, we've all been a little tense and dare I say frowny. Well, today that changes!” She and Sophie unravel a massive Barrier, “A battle of the pranksters!”

Eugene and Varian listened intrigued as Rapunzel continued, “Names will be picked out of a hat and whoever's name gets picked at the same time as you will be your partner! You and your partner will all day come up with plans to prank everyone in the group. Whichever team is left wins!!”

“Great, so when are we picking partners?” Lance asked, eyeing Eugene, hoping when his name got picked all the names would turn to his best bud.

“The hat will decide… Now!” Rapunzel picked out two names, “Sophie and… Eugene!”

“Alright!” Sophie and Eugene fist-bumped each other as Lance grumbled.

“Ash and… Ruddiger!”

Varian chuckled as the companions smirked at each other, “What a duo!”

“Hook foot and… uh shorty.”

Hook foot grumbled as shorty snored.

Rapunzel’s smile slowly became awkward, she cleared her throat, “Varian and....”

Varian crossed his fingers, “Me and (__)... pleasee…”


Varian's eyes widened as he awkwardly smiled, “Yaaay! Heh.”

“Anyway! Lance and Max! Fidella and Sebastian! Oh my gosh, this pairing is so cute! Pascal and Leo!! And last but definitely not least… Cass and (__)!”

You and Cass high fived each other. 

A smirk appeared on Cass’ face, “Hey, Raps are you sure these teams are fair? I mean, you're talking about (__) and I on the same team.”

Varian had hope gleamed in his eyes, “I agree, the teams are way too lopsided ill swap with you Cass-”

“No, no, no, we're not swapping with anyone! The hat has decided the teams, guys. Now, Three, two… one… Let the prank wars… Begin!” Rapunzel shouted as she grabbed hold of Varian and ran off.

“Please… let me walk on my own!”

Everyone had set off in their own directions except for you and Cass, instead, she was just stood there with a smirk on her face.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now