Chapter 44- Rapunzel and Y/n: Day one

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Rapunzel and Y/n: day one

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It was a cloudy, quiet day, and it appeared like everyone was getting tired and in need of a break. But you couldn't, at least not yet. Because everywhere this bunch went, the danger was always just around the corner. But what's life without a little danger? Or in this case, memory loss.

Lance, Shorty, Sophie, and Cass sat in a woodland area, each doing something different. Lance eating, (as usual), Shorty asleep, Sophie sharpening a stick with her knife, and Cassandra? She stood there completely demolishing a bush, shredding the branches to splinters.

"You gonna take a break?" Lance asked, "That shrub can only take so much."

Cassandra continued to swing at the bush, "Thanks to Rapunzel and (__)'s little trick at the great tree, I have to relearn everything using this hand," Cassandra explained. "So breaks aren't really an option."

Sophie grabbed a branch, bending it to an arch and tying a string to it, making a makeshift bow, "You can't blame (__). She has offered to fix your hand plenty of times since then Cass, why don't you just accept her help?" Sophie grabbed the stick she had been sharpening for a while, testing out her skills, "You know she would in a heartbeat for you." Bang! Sophie fired the arrow, which flew into the air, collided with a pan, and landed at the base of a tree, giving her a sheepish grin. "Heh, I gotta practice again. How did I do this when I was a kid?"

Lance smirked, "You knew how to use a bow and arrow?"

Sophie shrugged, Spinning the bow around her finger, "Learned it when I was a kid. Every person and child had to learn some type of weapon just in case of another attack in Saporia. I wanted to learn archery. My mother told me a sword is more 'worthy' for her daughter to learn so I practised when no one was around."

"It would help if you had a real bow." Cassandra looked around the forest, "And to answer your question, I would rather train my hand back up than use magic that basically makes her collapse for a whole week. I am grateful she would make that sacrifice for me though. Besides, we all need to be at our A-game. This is Westrabbit woods. There are wild boars," Cass sliced the shrub once more, "Slayer wolves and... jumping spiders." Cass smirked.

Lance shrieked, Waving his sword around, "What?! Spiders?!"

In the meantime, you were hanging out with Rapunzel, she in her hair hammock, and you on a branch overlooking the lowlands. It was quite peaceful being up there, nothing in your way, only yourself to keep you company. And most of all, you could just imagine that you were on the road before all of this happened. Corona? Going back there was always a fantasy of yours. What about the black rocks? There was no such thing as it. A white streak? It was never the case.

A world where you could be just a normal kid? Well, you can imagine it I suppose.

You sat in the tree and sketched in your journal of when only it was just you and Eugene before the whole adventure, no streak, no black rocks in the way, no guards, and no royalty stopping you from going where you wanted. A period when there was no pressure to be flawless, no pressure to be a good leader and role model to groups of people, and when you weren't shadowed beneath the princess of the sun as the stars trailed behind. Only appearing after the sun has had enough.

Leo looked at your drawing, confused, you sighed, placing your journal down, "I know Leo, I shouldn't be dwelling on the past, after all, I would have never met you or Varian if I didn't come to Corona... Nor would I have met Soph again. But it's hard when you are one of the most famous teens in the seven kingdoms and you have to be the best of the best all of the time. Wouldn't you love to go back to the simple times? Maybe before you had to do patrols in the sky and come help us when we need you? If you were just a normal bird, do you think you would be happier?"

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