Chapter 1 - Beyond Corona walls

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Once again I want to say thank you to Angel_1072004 for the fan art!


Beyond Corona walls


25 years ago

"I can't stand this anymore!" A man with a dark beard and hair paced around in a room. With two other people, a half red-faced women and... Quirin.

A crown perched on the man's head and a sword at his side, "This stone has destroyed too many lives!"

"But your majesty, we've already made a deal with the village leader of old Saporia, when he has his first child, he will transfer the magic of the star crystal to the little one so we can reunite the stone and crystal together. We can't do anything else!"

The man turned to face a podium holding a blue opal. The kings face filled with anger towards to stone.

"We can't wait any longer... IT STOPS TODAY!" He yells and runs towards the opal with his sword raised.

He slashed at the podium, trying to destroy it, to no avail. Quirin ran forward and tried to hold the king back.

"Your majesty please!" Quirin begged.

The woman with half of her face painted red runs up too. "You're not thinking clearly, you know the stone can't be destroyed!"

The king growls and pulled away, reaching his hand into the stone's spherical prison. He grunted as his hand drew closer to the opal. Sweat pouring from his face. Just before he touched it, energy crackled from the stone.

It exploded throwing the three backwards. The castle around them began to crumble.

A small piece of the stone cracked and landed on Quirin, sinking into him yet doing nothing. At least not to him.

The woman and Quirin sat up groaning. Quirin ran towards the trapped king underneath the rubble, shortly followed by the woman.

"Your majesty!" He cried and they shoved the wreckage off the king. The king weakly sat up, filled with dismay.

"I was a fool." He sighed, "It can not be stopped... our only hope is to keep its power hidden from the world." The king looks at his companions sincerely.

"But your majesty what about the star-"

The woman cried but gets cut off, "At any cost." He shook his head. "You must leave this castle. Keep any from finding it."

The woman bowed her head and averted her eyes. She notices something, a shard of black rock, perfect for a blade of a sword, she picks it up tenderly.



"We've been travelling for a week now. They have to be close!" You say while looking at your map.

Sebastian stops to take a break, you all hop off him.

"Good job buddy, we'll get you some apples when we find a town." Varian Pat's Sebastian's head.

Sophie quickly climbs up a tree and looks around. Leo flies in the skies too.

Suddenly Sophie jumps down, "Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the distance and the disturbance in the dirt. I'd guess they went east."

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