Chapter 7 - She's a deputy you crook

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She's a deputy you crook
(Short chapter)


The next day had finally arrived, the whole group was waiting in the town, waiting for Weasel to finally arrive for the battle.

You all take a stance ready for whatever faced you's.

“I Can’t believe I'm doing this. I feel like an idiot.” Vex glances down.

“Yeah, kid. Becoming one of the good guys will do that.” Eugene winks at her.

Weasel walks over with his gang, “Well, well, the princess and her playgroup are still here. And it looks like there's a new sheriff in town.”

“I'm a deputy you jerk!” Vex shouts.

Sophie smirks, “Okay, she is AWESOME!”

You smile and shake your head.

“Alright then, deputy. Allow me to introduce you to a special guest. He is the most deadly, the most fearsome and quite possibly the nastiest bounty hunter money can buy. The collector.”

A ginormous goon slowly walks towards you all, smashing everything in his path.

Leo hides under your hair. You get him to perch on your hand, “Why don’t you go find Owl? Then you don't have to be near this battle.” you ask.

Leo shakes his head and perches on your shoulder again.

“Alright then.” 

Once the people see the collector they all scatter and scream.

“C’mon! People! Don't be scared! I've heard stories about this guy too, but how bad can he really be?” Eugene shouts, he looks up to see the Collector behind him.

“There I go, speaking  too soon again!” He whimpers and runs into the group and cowards behind you.

“Seriously!? A bluebird is braver than you.” You cross your arms and smirk.

“Seeing as how I went through the trouble of hiring him. I would hate to lose my deposit.”

“If you think I'm backing down, you are-”

“Rapunzel!” You and Cass shout.

You, Cass and Eugene draw out your swords and charge to get thrown back, tied up.

Varian runs over to you and hugs you protectively, “(__)! Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“Yes and no.” You smile.

Suddenly a rope ties around all of you, squishing everyone together.

“Ah, a nerd is too close!” Sophie shouts.

“If I wasn't tied up right now you would have raccoon trap in your hair!” Varian shouts back.

Cass rolls her eyes, “Ugh, give me a break…”

Meanwhile, Rapunzel is trying to trip the Collector using her hair but fails miserably.

The collector grabs her hair and swings her into a stack of hay bales. 

Everyone hides in their houses and shuts their windows.

Weasel smirks, “So much for Varados’ new sheriff.”

“Weren't you listening you filthy crook? She said she was a deputy, and i'm the sheriff.” Quaid walks up and narrows his eyes at Weasel.

Everyone's faces light up when you see Quaid.

Weasel laughs, “Quaid the blade! How perfect is this? The collector crushed you in your prime. What makes you think you can defeat him now?”

“I can't. But we can!” Quaid throws over a jar to Vex and she catches it, throwing honey over him the giant goon.

Or at least that's what he thought until hundreds of bees formed a skull and crossbow and swarmed the collector, making him run away.

“C’mon people! Enough hiding! This is our city, together we can take back our home!” Vex shouts.

A group forms behind Quaid, “You heard her!” 

Everyone charges and battles the goons till there's only one left.

Weasel himself, which the weakling didn't take much before running away.

“Hey, uh Raps? Wanna get us out of here?” You ask.

“Oh yeah, right!” She laughs then unties you all.

All the crowds cheer and celebrate.

“Well, what do you know! These people can smile after all! Kinda nice.” Eugene laughs.

You look over to see Varian cheering with the town's folks, it's the first time you've really seen him happy since the whole ordeal that happened a few weeks ago.

“Well, well, well, do I see a smile on the alchemist's face? Am I dreaming?” You tease. 

Varian grins at you before taking your hand. “Well, what can I say, it's nice to see people celebrating. I guess all of Corona’s millions of  traditions aren't so bad after all.”

“You know, we have another celebration coming up soon.”

“Huh? What's that?” He asks.

“Oh C’mon what's happening in a few days. And it stars you.” you boop his nose.

“Oh, yeah, right my birthday. You know, the only time I actually started to celebrate my birthday was when you came to Corona. I suppose It's because I didn't have any friends back then to celebrate with, just… my dad...” he sighs.

“Well, I’m sure this city might have some places we can go to. Just you and me. Like we used too.”

Varians face lights up, “Yeah! Just me and you.” He kisses your forehead.


Later on

You walk up to Rapunzel who's roasting a marshmallow on the campfire. “Hey, Rapunzel?”

Rapunzel hums in reply.

You look around to check Varian isn't around. “Do you still want to get things back to normal with Varian?” You ask quietly.

Rapunzel Turns around, “Of course I do. Why what's up?”

You smirk, “We have a surprise birthday party to plan.”

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