Chapter 32 - Curses!

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Sophie stood, gazing into the dancing flames, while the rest of the group relaxed in the caravan while the night twinkled under the campfire.

She often stayed up late after everyone else had gone to bed,  it gave her the feeling of being out on the road with only Ash by her side.

Though she adored everyone in the group more than life itself, the sense of liberation and escape from the dangers of the world soothed her.

Suddenly, a twig snapped, drawing her and Ash's attention to a bush that was rusting in the wind. Sophie drew her sword and slowly crept on the suspicious bush, Ash growled, her fur on edge, something unsettled her too.

A person lurked in the shadows, something wasnt right about her. “Now, now, Sophia, that’s not how you respect your superiors, is it? Dear me, did I teach you nothing?”

Sophie's eyes widened with terror, her legs shaking, and her whole body draining until it froze. Every time she heard that voice, her heart leaped out of her skin. “M-mother?” 

A middle-aged woman emerged from behind the bush, a sinister expression piercing her skin, but the grin soon vanished.

Sophie's mother approached the terrified girl, she was unsure what to do. Since she was ten years old, she hadn't seen her mother.

Sophie finally got the courage to speak up, “B-but how? I don’t understand, how did you find me?”

“Why, didn't you think I'd see how my little Seperist was doing?” Sophie's mother asked with a soft look that quickly changed into a piercing glare. “Though it seems you've turned against everything I taught you,” she said, scowling. "I've always suspected (__) of being a bad influence-”

“SHUT IT!” Sophie Screamed, scaring herself more than her mother. “(__) is the most amazing person to exist, I wish you would stop saying stuff like that about her! And I make my own choices mother,  the best one was leaving you.”

Her mother came to a halt, an evil grin on her lips, “Oh, was it now? Sophia, remember who you are. That girl will inevitably turn out to be your worst enemy. Saporia will rise again! And those who obey the princess will be the ones to suffer the consequences.”

Sophie tried to ignore her mother and run to find the rest of the party, but her limbs were trapped by her side, almost as if she was being controlled by her mother.

Sophie turned to see Corona engulfed in black rocks, each of the spiky disasters obliterating everything in it's path. Sophie was running for help when she came face to face with Varian, whose streak was glowing blue. “Pathetic Seperist,” he sneered as he glared at Sophie. His streak glowed brighter as he lifted his arm in the air, rocks obeying the order of trapping the already scared girl.


Sophie woke with a gasp, glancing around to see she was seated next to you and Varian on the caravan approaching a canyon.

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