Chapter 33 - A monkey curse?

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A monkey curse?


A warm feeling of happiness flowed through you once you saw the wagon. Not that you were happy to lose all your money again, but it was a feeling of something you recognized,  rather than everything being brand new.

Rapunzel gasped, “Guys look! Eugene, (__), Varian, you remember right?!”

 “How could we forget..” Varian said in a sarcastic tone. All he could recall from the last adventure with the psychic is Eugene losing so much money towards the monkey and his face was priceless! But was it a good idea to see the money grabbers again?

Rapunzel rolled her eyes playfully at Varian before running down the small grassy hill, soon followed by everyone else. Vigor sat staring like usual, picking his ear. “Vigor! Madame Canardis! I am so surprised to see you two!” 

Sophie, like everybody else but Rapunzel, looked at the monkey with suspicion; something about the monkey bothered her, or maybe fascinated her?

Madame Canardis noticed Vigor’s sharp stare at Sophie and briefly glared before returning her gaze to Rapunzel, “But we are obviously not surprised to see you!”

You laughed slightly, “Of course, Vigor is the world's most prophetic prognosticator!” You said in a silly voice as vigor ran over to Eugene to sit on his head.

“The world's most whata whataa?”  Hook foot said confused.

Eugene squealed as Vigor got his paws on Eugene’s face, “Ah! Get off! Get off! The old woman is a scam artist who passes the chimp as a psychic.”

“Oh, and they like to milk suckers out of their money, isn't that right Eugene?” Varian added with a grin on his face, making you blush slightly. Damn, he’s just too adorable.

Sophie smirked, “Ohhh, now this makes more sense.”

“Now that's a sound business motto,” Hookfoot added.

Madame Canardist walked over to Hookfoot and Sophie, a smirk crawling on her face, “You,” She pointed at Hookfoot, “When you were younger, you were much shorter.”

“She’s right, I was shorter by one foot!” Hookfoot gasped.

“And you,” She pointed to Sophie, “You have something on your mind right now.” Madame carndist walked away.

Varian groaned in annoyance, “Are you kidding me! Anyone is shorter than they were before and there's a 99.37% chance that anyone has something on their mind!” He exclaimed, nearly bursting.

Eugene smirked, "Well, most people grow, you've been the same height since the first time I met ya! Isnt that right Soph."

“Yeaaah,” Sophie laughed awkwardly.

You tilted your head confused, something wasn't right with Sophie.  Maybe she was tired? No, if she was tired she would be complaining about it… After a while of thought, you decided to go ask her, “Hey, is everything okay, Soph?”

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