Chapter 18 - sleepy Bean

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Sleepy Bean


You all raise a brow at the card vigor picked.

“The wheel of fortune?”

Suddenly Vigor eats the card.

“Why Would He eat it?” Rapunzel asks.

Varian hums in thought, “Well, it probably means his diet is deficient in fibre or iron.” 

Red looks at her map then tugs on your shirt. You look at her and she points to a place called, “Fortuna”

You high five her, “Red’s right! There's a city called Fortuna not too far from here!” Red jumps on your back again and grins.

Rapunzel gasps, “Oh yeah! Fortune, Fortuna!”

“C’mon! You got Fortuna from wheel of Fortune?!” Everyone runs over to Vigor except you and Eugene.

“Varian, come on buddy! You can’t possibly believe in it right?!”

“Oh, I don't, I just want to figure out the science behind it.” He grins.

“Well, at least I have two people on my side,” Eugene grumbles.

“If you're talking about me then I'm only here because I'm cuffed to you.”

“Guys! C’mon! It's just a coincidence.”

“Is it coincidence, Vigor? Blink once for yes, twice for no.” Rapunzel asks and of course,  he blinks once. 

“Did you seee, that Eugene?” You ask sassily, “looks like a single eye blink.” 

Eugene rolls his eyes and huffs, “Fine, let’s go… Just so I can prove this is all fake!”

"Whatever you say Eugene." You whistle for the horses.

Suddenly, Max, Sebastian and Fidella jump over a bush to you all.

"Okay, Eugene, your gonna have to uncuff me now." You say as you get on Sebastian.

Varian jumps on behind you, "And this seat is taken."

Eugene groans, "Fine. But one more sarcastic-"

"-Remark And you'll cuff me again. Why do you even have them in the first place?"

"You never know when you have to arrest someone." He answers.

"But your not a guard and why didn't you use them on the crazy bird couple?"

"I- uh- Stop with the questions! Now let's go... quickly."

You and Varian glance at each other confused then shrug. "Well, let's go I guess."


Finally, at the village, you shiver slightly at the gloomy place. Varian notices and wraps his arms around you and nuzzles your check. “Are you okay, Milady?” he asked with concern in his voice.

You nuzzle his face, “I’m fine, it's just a place that gives me the creeps.”

“No, kidding,” Rapunzel replies as everyone slams the windows shut of the houses.

“Ah, nothing to worry about, just a quiet little town,” Eugene says as a mysterious cry Wails. “With sad foreboding crying.”

The horses come to a halt as you're in front of a barrel where the crying was coming from.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now