Chapter 19 - when you see someone fall... pick them up

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When you see someone fall... pick them up.


You finally get to a gloomy-looking forest where Angry's family should be. Varian had officially woken up from his slumber and now is walking along side of you.

“I don't get it. It should be here!” Angry frowns.

“It might be! I agh! Can't see a thing through this mist…”

You look at the map, “Well the end of the line is snake canyon  and that's kind of-”

Before you could finish that sentence, Sebastian grabs the collar of your shirt and drags away from the edge, while Max stops everyone else.

“Hard to miss, heh.” You laugh awkwardly before petting Sebastian. “Thanks, buddy.”

“Vigor this is a dead end. What do we do now?” Rapunzel asks just to get nothing out of the monkey, “Hey, Eugene, do you have another coin?”

Eugene groans, “Oh no, I say we go back, return the monkey to the weird old lady and call it a day! You hear that Viggy? You're not getting one more shiny out of this guy, you got it?”

Suddenly the monkey jumps onto Angry and goes crazy.

“Vigor? What is it?”

Angry gasps, “Look!” She points to a small house in the canyon. “And there's a bridge!”

“Anybody could’ve seen that! Monkey see, Monkey point!”

You stroll up to Eugene and smirk, “True, but none of us did see it. Are monkeys known to have better eyesight or something?”

Eugene opens his mouth but stops when Rapunzel walks up smugly, “Remind me again, ‘If there's one thing I don't believe in, It’s fortune-tellers. But ugh! What was that second thing you don’t believe in?”

“Why are you saying this to me!? Varian doesn't  believe in it either! And neither do you!” Eugene huffs.

“Because it’s fun to annoy the overprotective one.” You smirk, “Besides, if Varian still doesn’t believe in magic after all the weird things going on, there's no chance in making him believe in this.”

“That would be correct, Milady.”  Varian grins like a dork.

“Oh wait I've nearly got it… fortune-tellers... that are what… again?”

“I give up on you three today. Lead the way, monkey boy.” Eugene groans again when Vigor holds out his hand.

“I've got it this time, Eugene.” You flip a coin over to Vigor as everyone begins to walk over the bridge except you and Eugene

“Thanks. Sooo, do you actually believe in this?” Eugene asks.

“Meh, I don’t really care about the psychic stuff. I just wanna help Angry and Red find a home. Anywayyyy, what are Cass and Soph doing today?” You ask.

“I heard they were going  to play some card games with the boys until we return-”

“Uh oh…”


“Soph and Lance... together… The ones who act like father and daughter … in a competition. With Cass? The most competitive person ever with the biggest cheats in the world?”

“Ohhh Sh*t.”

“You know Rapunzel would Literally kill you if she heard you say that.”

Eugene shrugs, “Well, one of us is gonna die either way today. Besides, I would just blame you for it.” he smiles smugly. 

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now