Chapter 17 - you have got to be kidding me Eugene

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You have got to be kidding me Eugene...


Wailing spread across the whole of the woods like a wildfire as Madame Carardist runs out of her wagon.

Rapunzel hops off Fidella and runs over to comfort her, "Madame Canardist? Are you okay?"

"I'll never be okay again. My Vigor has been taken! Thieves snatched him right out of his wagon." She cries.

"Its gonna be alright, don't worry. Eugene, Varian, (__) and I will find the theifs who took Vigor and we will bring him back."

"What!?" Varian and Eugene shout.

Eugene hops off Max.  "Oh come on! the last thing I want to do is spend the one night we had to ourselves by chasing... some monkey."

He looks over to you who just shrugs while hopping off Sebastian. "We'll track down the monkey."

You glance at the floor and notice a very familiar comb.

Rapunzel smiles, "I knew you guys would come around."

You pick up the comb and pass it to Eugene, "Uh, I wouldn't go that that far, but we have a pretty good idea of who took him."

Varian tilts his head, "Just to clarify, I'm not involved in this 'we', correct?"

You rub the back of your neck, "Oh, yeah, right I forgot you weren't there, heh."

"How many adventures did you guys go on without me?" Varian asks curiously.

You think back to Sugaracha and Axel times, "Let's just say, too many to count and if you were terrified of a rainstorm last week, I'm glad you weren't there. " You smile innocently.

"The rain was loud and got my alchemy supplies wet." He mumbles like a child.


Hiding behind a bush, you see Red and Angry holding a stick that's attached to a banana with, of course, the monkey following.

You, Rapunzel and Eugene walk behind them while Varian watches from behind the bush.

“Lift it higher! If he gets this one we're all out of bananas!” 

Suddenly the girls bump into you three, they look up and quickly run to hide what they’re doing.

“Eugene! (__)! Princess Rapunzel! Uhhh, hi!”

Varian comes out from behind the bush, “Ohhh! Those are the kids you told me about, aren't they!”

“That’s your boyfriend? He’s dorkier than Sophie described him.” Angry snickers.

“Hey! I am not dorky! Just... highly intellectual…” Varian crosses his arms and pouts.

You kiss his cheek, turning his pout into extreme blushing, “I mean, dorky can be a compliment, isn’t that right, Fish skin?” You smirk at Eugene.

Eugene rolls his eyes playfully at you before looking  like a dad at the kids, “Alright Angry, give us the monkey.”

Angry pushes Vigor into the bush, They both smile sheepishly, “What monkey?” Angry asks innocently. 

Rapunzel runs up to the girls, “We’ve missed you’s!”

“We’ve missed you too! Especially Red, she won’t shut up about you.”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now