Chapter 38 - God damn it Rapunzel

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God damn it Rapunzel

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Inside the walls, different coloured tents were scattered all over the place, making the place look quite cheerful. Though to Varian it was more of a traumatic flashback of the challenge of the brave back in Corona, he still remembered when he had to sit and watch who he cared about the most nearly die about twenty times in two hours.

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Meanwhile, you and the rest of the group were freezing in the dungeons, unpicking the last of the handcuffs that were attached to you and Eugene. 

“Okay, I don't like this any more than you guys, but if we wanna stay warm, we gotta cuddle.” Lance raised his arms in the air, waiting for someone to respond. “Bring it in, bring it in guys.”

Cass stood, shivering, “I'll freeze, thank you. And where do you keep getting pie from?”

“That's a really good question, I swear you've eaten around five pieces now,” Sophie added. 

Lance shoved more pie into his mouth, “I’ll never tell.”

Eugene sighed, “They’ve only got a day left…” 

You smiled warmly, giving Eugene a small side hug, “They’ll get it, I know they will.”

Eugene returned the smile, hugging you back, “Me too.”

“Ohh, Rider! Striker! To get your mind off the eye, I brought you both one of my paintings, it's the mines of mallany.”

Both of your smiles dropped as you walked over to the bars of the cell, “It's a preview of what the rest of your life will look like, see you tomorrow!” Constable laughed, walking away in triumph.

“He painted the mines?!” Eugene exclaimed, everyone gasped, “What are they mining, skulls?!”

“He didn't finish painting that guy.” Hookfoot pointed out.

“Oh yes he did.” Lance spoke squeamishly, “Over there!”

“Hm, he’s got talent.” Cass smirked.

“Surely the mines aren't exactly like that, he’s just trying to scare us! Anyway, Rapunzel and Varian will return before that can happen, I know it.” You walked away from the gory painting and over to the small barred window.

“How do you know that, (__)?” Hookfoot asked.

“Because when has Rapunzel failed anyone? Well, only one time, though that was between us and the whole of the kingdom…. But anyway,  I just believe in them.”

Cass placed a hand on your shoulder, “I have to admit kid, You're just as optimistic as Raps, It’s sweet.”

“No, not really,  I just have hope in those two.” You turned around, “Hey, uh, Cass, are we cool now? I mean, after the whole Corona thing?”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now