Chapter 37 - If I had the only flask of water...

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If I had the only flask of water...

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A small pub stood at the top of a grassy hill, swarmed by trees as Varian and Rapunzel walked in silence up to a sign.  Neither of them wanted to remember who they were about to work with. Let's see, an ex-girlfriend who not that long ago tried to steal a mans and an amazing, pretty, awesome- did I mention pretty- Sorry, the point is, this woman is crazy.

And let's not forget that daddy of her’s too- Geez! Insane as you can get! 

Rapunzel touched the wooden sign, running her hand down it, “Well, this is where Eugene and (__) said she would be… The glass slipper. Hm, sounds cozy. Not as good as snugly ducklings but eh.” She shrugged, walking towards the door cheerily.

Varian tilted his head, trailing behind, “So, you're just going to walk in there and say, ‘Hey, your ex is in jail and I need your help to get him out’?”


Rapunzel opened the door,  seeing the brunet straight away, clearly mugging a man out of his dagger. Even just that sight annoyed her, pouting as she walked over to her. 

Stalyan smirked, collecting her things, seeing Rapunzel in the corner of her eye. “Wow, I didn't think Princess Sunshine and Mr Stripe-head would find me somewhere as shady as this.”

Varian observed his surroundings, this pub seemed a lot fancier than the one in Corona, the only difference being that the thugs were less friendly and (__) wasn't here brightening everyone up. (Plus taking a sip of beverage for herself) Not to mention that he didn't know anyone here. Well, to be fair, if it wasn't for you he wouldn't even be allowed twenty feet near the snuggly ducklings.

First looks, not sure anyone would want to go into the snuggly duckling either.

Rapunzel crossed her arms, glaring at Stalyan, “Well, maybe you're not the judge of character you thought you were.”

Stalyan picked up the glistening dagger, taking out her own knife to extract  the diamond, “Let me guess, Ryder and Striker are in trouble and you two want my help to save them.”

Varian shrugged,  “I mean, yeah, we need to find the eye of pincosta and you three stole it together.”

The diamond flew into the air, a hand clasping it as Stalyan spoke, “We stole a lot of things together. Yeah, I know where it is but why would I help you two?”

Varian laughed awkwardly, “Because I'm charming?” Stalyan scowled at that, “Oh c’mon! (__) would have said yes…” He mumbled.

Rapunzel sighed, “Worth a shot, Varian.” She laughed slightly, “But… I think you’ll help because you still care about Eugene and most likely did like (__) too. Besides, there's good in everybody, even when you don’t see it yourself.”

Varian smiled slightly at that, even crazy alchemists have a good heart, so why can't a criminal? Well, alchemists have a nerdy heart and a criminal has a sly one but that's beside the point!

“Ha! And you are a terrible judge of character!” Stalyan rolled her eyes, sitting down at the table, “I want NOTHING to do with Ryder or Striker. Oh, and doing the right thing has never been a priority of mine.”

Rapunzel put her hands on her hips, “I’ll pay you.” She hastily walked over and placed her hands on the table, taking a gold key out of her pocket, “This unlocks the trunk back in our caravan, a trunk FULL of gold. It’s all yours.”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now