Chapter 39 - The great tree...

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Heres some music to get you in the Chase scene mood. Trust me, it helped me rereading :)

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The great tree...

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Twenty-five years ago...

Quirin and Adira peered at the king who was lying in his bed, looking seriously ill. Quirin seemed to be quite more serious than here, what could be going on?

"The stone and its destructive power must be kept secret from the world. It is the brotherhood's duty to keep that secret, it is king Edmund's dying wish." Quirin warned Adira.

"There is another way! If we go and find the Sundrop- Even the star crystal!"

Adira was cut off by another man, his piercing green eyes glowing in the shadows, "Enough! The sundrop and Star crystal are myths sister." Two binturongs came out of the shadow, growling in madness.

This didn't seem to affect Quirin or Adira at all. Adira carried on her argument, "They're real Hector! And their power could neutralise the moonstone!"

Hector came out of the shadow, his black hair swept out of his face in a slight crazy manner, his whole body language gave off a slight crazy maniac kind of person. "Go, go chase some empty legends like a fool, but just know, if you come back, you ain't my fellow brethren." Hector walked over and grabbed Adira by the chin, making her look in his eyes, "Sun drop, star crystal or not, I'll end you."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩


It had been a few weeks since the Pincosta incident, and things had finally calmed down. Lance no longer had random pies spawning in. Rapunzel and Varian told how they had to combat against someone who could pick them up like an insect. And everyone was as joyful and relaxed as this wacky group could be.

However, the sun was shining brightly in the sky and everything was quiet on this particular day...

With the exception of one thing.

You, Sophie and of course Sebastian raced into the woods in front, with Max and Fidella close behind. Rapunzel sat on Max, Cass on Fidella, and Sophie sat with you because she didn't have her own horse.

"C'mon buddy, show them who's boss!" you stated as you tightened your hold on Sebastian's reins. "Hey, we lost Cass!" You peered behind you and sped up sufficiently for Rapunzel to be significantly distant. "That was far too simple! We should buy you your own horse, Soph, it'd be so much more fun!"

"You know, I like the sound of that." Sophie agreed.

"How many times do we have to tell you?" Cass chimed in, Rapunzel had just caught up to you as Fidella jumped over you both, everyone tieing with each other. "Watch your flank!" She shouted.

Rapunzel laughed, "Hah! Nice move!"

"Thanks," Cass replied, "It's just like old times."

"Well, not quite like old times," Rapunzel narrowed her eyes, racing ahead and jumping over the next log, a squirrel waved a fist annoyed at her as it dropped all of its acorns. Poor fella.

Increasing speed you jumped over all of the acorns, not slipping on any. Wish you could say the same for Cass! Sucker. She spun around before getting the balance to catch up to you both.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now