Varian: A Christmas carol part two

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Varian: a Christmas carol - part two

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Fluff and angst ahead :)

Also heres the other song, hehe

“I Don't get it.” Orion spoke,  "How does one go from a cheerful romantic boy to a miserable old man?" 

“Little man, you haven't seen goggles after forty-eight hours with no sleep.” Lance joked, and everyone else laughed too.

"It's surprising what a few tragic experiences can do to a person, however sometimes it can take just the right someone to bring the soul back to life," you added, resting your head on Varian's shoulder.  Varian grinned, resting his head on yours too.

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Varian was once more transferred to a different location when the candle lady snapped her fingers.   Beautiful music was playing, everyone was dancing, and the atmosphere was very cheerful! Soon after, Varian spotted his younger self dancing with you, carefree and in the moment. His younger self tumbled to the ground with a thump after tripping over his own boots. You couldn't help but chuckle as you extended your hand to the fool, who gratefully received it.

The candle lady was enjoying the energetic music as she danced around the room with Ruddiger, "Oh my goodness! You look like you're having an awful time!  "  Once the music stopped, you bumped into Varian. His eyes softened as he gazed at you. Present Varian simply watched his Old self, enjoying his time with the love of his life, seeing you once more brought a small smile to his face.

Once more, music began to play; mellower and soothing as Varian began to spin you around again, “I love you, Varian. More than you can imagine.” You breathed, placing your hand on his chest as you danced.

"Y/n, darling. You are the foundation of my happiness, and it follows you wherever. Varian expressed in a completely love-struck manner.

Gently nudging the man in front of you aside, You sang softly as you exited the banquet  hall, and into the corridors,  "They say happiness is a thing you can see, I think you can't touch, I disagree." You were caught up to by Varian, who then turned you around by gently grabbing your hand. "Happiness is the folly of fools. Pity poor me, one of those fools!" You Placed your hand gently on the side of  Varian's face, his face gradually turned pink as he stared into your beautiful eyes.

 “Happiness is standing beside me, I can see him. He can see me.” You decided to mess with Varian taking the longest way to your room, causing him to get lost when you ran ahead. “Happiness is whatever you want it to be!”

In an effort to find you, Varian followed the source of your voice,  searching in all directions. “They say happiness, Is a thing you can't see, A thing you can't touch, I disagree. Happiness is the folly of fools…” You followed Varian discreetly and when you got the chance, covered his eyes.  He instantly turned around when he saw the girl he loved with the brightest smile on her face. “Pity poor me, one of those fools!”

Young Varian chuckled as the two of you hurried to your bedroom balcony, falling deeper and deeper in love with the mystery of romance each passing second.  He leaned on the stone barrier, nudging you slightly as he did so, “Happiness is smiling upon me, Walking my way, sharing my day!” Varian gasped, a little taken aback, as you smirked and pushed him back. His expression matched yours perfectly, “ Happiness is whatever You want it to be!!” 

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