Chapter 50: Y/ntopia!

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Surprised to see I'm back again?

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The sun shone brightly, casting its golden rays upon the city of Corona. But a heavy weariness weighed me down, making every movement a struggle. I groaned, hiding my face with my blanket. Just a few more minutes...

"Mornin', kiddo!" Cass's cheerful voice chimed in as she flung open the blinds to my room.


I sat up, my eyes darting around rapidly. I found myself in a bed, but not just any bed. It was my room in Corona, a place I never thought I'd be for a while yet to come.

Cass rolled her eyes, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Where else would we be, silly?" she replied, her tone dripping with amusement.

Cautiously, I got out of bed and walked over to the mirror. Everything seemed perfectly normal!- Except it didnt, i gasped, noticing that my white streak had completely vanished from my hair. My hand trembled as I pulled up my sleeve, only to discover that the star-shaped scar had disappeared too. "Where did the streak go? I'm so confused..."

"Kiddo, relax. Did you have a nightmare or something?" Eugene's voice came from behind me. I turned to see him and Cass. "Good morning, Cassandra."

Cass greeted him with a smile. "Good morning, Eugene."

"No... but I think I'm currently having one," I mumbled, feeling uneasy. "Where's Varian? Sophie?"

"Varian? He's coming down for Rapunzel's coronation with his father. And who's Sophie?" Cass asked, puzzled. "Is she a friend you made in old Corona?" She laughed softly, "Come on, I'm sure the princess would love to see you before her coronation."

I cautiously walked down the hall to Rapunzel's room, my heart pounding. I opened the door slowly and called out, "Rapunzel?"

Rapunzel turned to me, her face filled with concern. "Y/n? Please say you also think this is-"

"Completely insane? Yeah, I agree. Something feels off," I responded, my voice filled with suspicion.

Cassandra placed her hand on my shoulder, interrupting my thoughts. "Change of plans, kiddo. You're going to Old Corona today."

"But I want to stay here with Rapunzel," I protested. I needed to stay here, to figure out exactly what was happening.

Eugene waved off my concerns. "Nonsense! You're always hanging out with that weird kid in the village, Varitoss or something."

Before I could correct Eugene, I was abruptly pushed out of Rapunzel's room and into a waiting carriage. As the carriage started moving, I glanced outside and noticed a shadowy figure staring directly at me. A chill ran down my spine as they continued to gaze. I desperately tried to figure out who it was, but in an instant, they vanished.

I shrugged off the fear, refusing to let it get the best of me. In this seemingly perfect place, where smiles were plastered on every face, I couldn't afford to be scared. But before I could even look away, darkness swept over me like a shadow, and a pair of mysterious hands swiftly blindfolded my eyes. Acting on pure instinct, I pushed the person away with all my might, revealing the woman in the cloak once again. With a surge of adrenaline, I placed my foot on her throat, my voice dripping with determination. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded, eager to uncover the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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