Chapter 27 - Sadness is?

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Sadness is?


Varian walked around the next day, happy as ever. The beach seemed to be a little chillier than usual but maybe this was winter time for the island?

Suddenly the winds started to pick up as Varian saw something in front of him that made him almost break down then and then.

Amber was crawling up his dad again on the beach, "Varian!!"

Varian quickly ran over, "Dad! D-dad! No! I can't let this happen again!" He cried.

Rapunzel came out of the dark shadows as lightning struck the ground, "But you have, Varian. You did this to your own father."

"W-what no! It was an accident! I didn't mean for it to happen..." Tears struck his face.

Another figure came out of the shadows. You.

Varian calmed down, "(__)! Oh, thank the lords of alchemy! Tell Rapunzel I never meant to make any of this happen!!" He ran over and tried to hug you but you pushed him down to the ground.

You scoffed, "Why should I? After all, aren't you the one who is completely happy the way things are? Because of me? In that case, you shouldn't even be worried about him." You pointed towards Quirin who was still shouting Varian's name.

"But... just because I won't say I'm sad or I'm hurting or I want to change the beginning for all of us... doesn't mean I don't feel it. I just don't want to upset you anymore than I already have!"


Suddenly Varian woke up, his eyes red and swollen. He looked around, it was broad daylight and you were nowhere to be seen which was unusual for you since you would be the one to wake him up.


Meanwhile, you were sitting at the shore, watching the dolphins again when suddenly someone grabbed your arm and dragged you up. "Hey! What the heck!?- oh hey Rapunzel."

Rapunzel grins at you, "C'mon, we're going adventuring on this beautiful island!"

"Care to not give me a heart attack before you tell me that!?" You shouted as she pulled you along.

Suddenly Rapunzel stopped as a mysterious noise came from a cliffside, "Did you hear that?"

"Uh, yeah. It came from this way!" You ran ahead, signalling for her to follow you.

Once you got to the overgrown cliffside, a green light shone from a pile of moss. Rapunzel picked it up and took the green of a mysterious object, "What is this?" she asked.

The faces on the object began to shine green, changing the atmosphere completely. Suddenly Rapunzel's eyes widened as she turned around, "Dad!?"

You tilted your head, "What are you talking about?"

Rapunzel ignored you, "How did you- how are you? You're here!" She ran and hugged a bush. "Why didn't you say you were coming! I would have planned a whole celebration!"

"Okay, some weird stuff is going on here. Rapunzel?"

"You have no idea how happy I am right now! Since I found your letter I've been so homesick!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

You and Leo glanced at each other concerned, "Uh... yeah, this isn't normal. Leo, can you go find Varian? I'll keep Rapunzel company while she talks to these plants." You ask and Leo flies off into the distance.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now