Chapter 31 - Independence or teamwork?

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Independence or teamwork?


The night dragged across the dark sky, Rapunzel and Varian both had a look of pleading staining their face.

“We have to go back and look for them,” Rapunzel commanded. “Our friends could be in serious danger.”

“I’m sorry but I’ve got a schedule to keep, kids. If those torches stop burning before we get to the mainland, they’ll be nothing to stop the firefly destroying these crops!” The captain argued back.

“Raps, kiddo, come look at this!” Cass called as hookfoot pulled up the barrel that had yours and Eugene’s weapons impaled into it.

Both of them nervously walked over as hook foot tried the substance that was coming out of the barrel, “Yup, what we have here is a fine batch of grade A, Gruel.”

Lance inspected it closer, “Huh, from a prison barge.”

Sophie looked closer at the sword, she could tell straightway who’s it was,  “Guys… That’s (__)’s sword...”

Rapunzel gasped, “And that’s Eugene’s knife… That’s where those two and Max must be!”

Varian quickly ran over to the captain, “Captain, we have to find that barge!”

The captain crossed his arms, “I told you already I have a schedule to keep!” He tried to walk away from him, Varian threw a stone at the bell, making the captain turn around.

“We can do this the Varian way, or we can do this the Sophie way.”

The captain sneered, “That girl? Pffft, what she gonna do?”

Meanwhile, Sophie was on top of the roof with Ruddiger and Ash. Attached to a string, Pascal was slowly lowered down in front of the captain.

Ruddiger held a lit torch to make Pascal’s shadow look bigger while Ash made weird but loud noises.

when Captain saw Pascal’s shadow, he freaked, shaking with fear but of course, it got worse once he saw Pascal, right in front of his face. “Alright! Alright!!” He whimpered

Ruddiger climbed down and around Varians neck, Varian smirked deviously, “That’s what I thought.”

Sophie jumped off the roof and fist-bumped Varian, both of them mirroring each other’s facial expressions.

Cass had a smug smile on her face, “That. Was. Awesome.”


Meanwhile, you three were sneaking around as quietly as possible.

Well, quiet for Eugene anyway, “You see what happens when you bend the rules a Lil bit? I mean, you won’t see that good guard bad guard technique in any textbook.” He smiled smugly.

Max neighed, throwing you the textbook to read once again, “Good guard, bad guard derogation techniques…”

Eugene grabbed the book off you, “Wow! This is-” 

Suddenly light poured into the hallway, you grabbed Eugene and pulled him back as well as Max.

“This is some news for you! Flynn Rider and his Cavallo are on deh ship!” Dale spoke with an Italian accent.

Lady Caine groaned, “Lose the accent dale.”

“Okay, Flynn Rider and the horse are on the ship.”

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