Chapter 12 - Mr Rider and Miss Striker to the rescue

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Mr Rider and Miss Striker to the rescue


You've been waiting for what seemed like ten years for Eugene to eventually get up the tree and go up to where you are.

“Ooh look what I can see from here! It's the edge of the forest! We made it! It's almost like we didn't need this map or some random stranger.” He slides down the tree.

You roll your eyes and climb back down.

“Okay! Perfect landing. Ten out of ten. Now I don't want to brag- Scratch that, I want to brag. Who led us out of here? Buckle up it's a lot of syllables Eu-gene Fitz-her-bert Esquire, navigator, Extraordinaire!” He gasps.
“Oh, boy...”

You glance up to meet loads of steaming geysers.

“Those are the silver geysers, they are lava hot and emit toxic gasses,” Adira explains.

Shorty rolls his eyes, “Looks like I've got some competition.”

You pass the map over to Adira, she nods as a 'thank you'.

“The map is telling us to go through them, it's possible if we time it right.”

Eugene turns around, “Are you kidding me!? You want us to run through there? A field of piping hot firewater I think NOT!”

You all turn around to watch the forest move its self.

“We could be swallowed by a land pit at any moment. You have a better idea?” Adira asks.

Eugene stares at hook foot.

“I gotta be honest, I don't like the way you're looking at me right now.”


An arrow shoots over to the other side and attaches a tree to another by a rope.

Hook foot is also connected upside down by his hook.

Eugene laughs, “Alright, Muscles hold on to this. Ice demon grab onto here.”

“Let's go with something else.”

“Beardy over here.”

“Loverboy! Right here. Lil sis, just there.”

Eugene picks you up and throws you into Varian's arms.

He flushes bright red as you giggle at the dork.

“And Annoying girl that hangs out with my little sister, here.”

“That's not really a nickname...”

“Sunshine! Hop aboard darling, I can do nicknames too. Like you said, if you can't go through something, go over it, right Adira?” Eugene smirks.

Adira looks concerned, “You're making a mistake, Fish skin.”

Lance rubs the back of his neck, “Maybe we should listen to her, Eugene.”

“Guys!” Eugene whines. “She's literally asking you to run through blazing hot explosions! Look, I may have underestimated these woods and made a few mistakes along the way, but those mistakes were really the forest's fault, not mine! So, who are you going to trust? Me, your friend who's got you this far and has ALWAYS had your back. Or her.”

Cass rolls her eyes, “I hate to say it, but I think I'ma go with Adira on this one.”

Rapunzel sighs, “Me too...”

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now