Chapter 29 - Max, Eugene and (__) in Peril on the high seas

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Max, Eugene and (__) in Peril on the high seas


The day had finally come, the day you would set off from the island and carry on the journey to where your destiny leads. Of course, people were looking forward to it, even how fun the island was, your destiny didn't belong on an island full of leaf people.

And could you dare say without jinxing anything that Rapunzel and Varian had finally become friends once again? Well, maybe it'll take some time before we can say that for good, but everyone has a long rocky road (Or ocean) to go before thinking everything will be back to normal.

While you and Varian were with Rapunzel and Eugene, Sophie was being entertained by watching shorty trying to eat a glass boat. Suddenly, Cass grabbed them both by the collars of their shirts.

"Quit dawdling."

"Who's dawdling? I was trying to drink a boat."

"And I was trying to watch him drink a boat! Geez, some people need to lighten up. Though, the term 'light' may be a new one for you." Sophie rolls her eyes.

Back with you and the others, You were watching the new caravan being pulled onto the ferry. "Huh, well, I'm glad the ferry is here so we can finally get off this island!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"And, when we get back on land, we have a new set of wheels." Eugene pointed to the caravan that hookfoot and Lance were pushing.

"It took six weeks of back-breaking work, but it paid off," Lance said as he leaned against the newly built house on wheels.

Eugene fake laughed, "Yeah, of course, four of those weeks were spent insuring all the specifications were to corona transport code. Thank you very much, Max."

You rolled your eyes at Eugene, "And one of those two weeks were spent trying to get you guys to leave me and Varian alone while we built the thing in the first place."

Eugene facepalmed, "When will you realize that you two are just kids! Sometimes you need to ask for help."

"I'll ask for help once you realize we're not kids anymore. We're Fifteen!" You argued back.

"Fifteen or not your all still our lil siblings if you like it or not!"

Sophie tilted her head, "You count me as a lil sister? Ew."

While you both argued, Rapunzel went over to Max and talked in a baby voice to him.

"Look, I gotta admit, you people do tend to baby us instead of letting us be independent." Sophie agreed, making a smug grin appear on your face.

Hook foot ran over to you all, "Hey, look, good as new." He kicked the wheel with his hook, getting jammed and accidentally breaking one of the wheels.

"You should've used your-"

"Other foot, yeah I know!" Hook foot grumbled.

Alfons laughed loudly, "Stupid, stupid frine floofers!"


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