chapter 48 - fake or real?

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Fake or real?

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Both of the imposters stared at you with the devil's grin implanted on their faces, the anger boiled through your body, trying to twist its way out of the dome you struggled to keep it in. Not only were you trying to keep calm for yourself, but for the animals that were hiding behind your legs, confused and scared.

The fake Varian knew this and placed his hand on your cheek, smiling, "Oh, (__). Why so mad? I thought you loved it when Varian was a bad guy. Don't you miss the adrenaline of being the girlfriend of a villain? The times when you and your friends weren't in the shadows of the princess of sunshine?"

You slapped his hand away, "No, but one thing I do love is the real Varian and my real friends. Now, what have you done with them?" You seized your sword and raised it in the direction of the doubles. They both gave each other smirks as they headed slowly towards you.

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The rest of the gang, meanwhile, were in a dimension that resembled the old one exactly, but in black and white. Except for Varian, everyone was pounding into the mirror, attempting to force their way back through the other world mirror.

"Guys, that isn't going to work." Varian sighed, pacing as he tried to find a better solution to this mind-blowing situation. His scientific mind couldn't handle processing all of this. What the alchemy was happening?

"Oh, and can you think of anything else that would Goggle your head?" Sophie huffed, brushing herself off.

"Aside from shattering every bone in your body, have you? I'm sure Rapunzel and (__) will enjoy hauling you all out of here one by one because none of you can move." Varian argued while looking through his bag for any useful items.

"I said we shouldn't have come here, but did anyone listen? No." Cassandra grumbled as she crossed her arms.

"No, we didn't." Eugene got up and fixed his hair, looking at his reflection in the mirror, "But in our defence, when do we ever listen to you? "

Cassandra gasped, "You know what Fitzherbjerk I've had enough of your-"

"Guys, guys!" Lance pushed his way into the middle of them both. "Is any of this bickering going to solve anything? I mean, we've been doing nothing but getting on each other's nerves for the last three weeks, and look where it got us."

Eugene looked away from the others, "I hate to admit it, but Lance is right."

Varian hummed. "I suppose we have been a little agitated the past few weeks." He paced determinedly as he thought of a plan. "If we have any chance of getting out of here, it has to be together."

"Exactly. So, let's see if we can find a less painful way to get out of here. " Lance agreed and took the lead to look around for any ideas on how to get out of the double mirror.

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You scanned the room for your options. You had your sword, true, but how much would that do with demons that could easily throw you into a wall... 'Hide in the closet again to never be seen again? That seems like a good option... But Rapunzel... she's with the fake Eugene!

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now