Chapter 6 - what's up now?

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What's up now?

I think some of yall are gonna like this chapter ;)


You're outside a little cottage and for some reason, Sophie is looking a little worried.

"Alright, we're here."

Rapunzel knocks on the door.

"Captain Quaid?"

"Who's asking?" A man asks from behind the door.

"Its Rapunzel!" She replies in a cheery tone making the man slam the door.

"Told ya everyone hates you," Vex says bluntly.

"Uh, Captain Quaid? If you don't open this door I will, uh, I'll keep knocking! And knocking..." Rapunzel bangs on the door again.

You walk over to Sophie with a smirk on your face. "You robbed this dude didn't ya."

"What! Noooo! I just found something interesting in his house and 'borrowed' it! And forgot to return it." She replies.

You laugh slightly before your eyes gaze over to Varian who's leaning on to fence glancing down.

"You okay, V?" You ask while walking over to him.

He looks up, "Oh, yeah I'm fine."

You raise a brow, he could tell your not buying it.

"Alright, Alright! Fine, I just don't understand why the princess is being so nice to me. I mean I get why she is to you, after all, your her sister but me? "

"Varian were talking about Rapunzel here and were technically only sisters by paper. And it seems like everyone 'forgot' I was her sister back then." You pause for a moment.

"Besides, She would forgive you even if you took over the whole kingdom with... I dont know an ancient demon or something."

"I guess your right. I just can't trust her. It seems... odd to me... By the way, she's managed to persuade Quaid to let her in."

You take his hand and go to walk in when your both stopped along with Sophie, Eugene and Lance.

"Hey, Quaid! Remember us?" Lance laughs.

"You stay out here! Touch, look or breathe on anything and I'll get you where you sleep, is that clear?"

He slams the door.

"Ah, family."

"Wait, wait, wait what did we do?" You ask.

Suddenly, four wanted posters come through the letterbox.

"Oh, yeahhhh! Heh, guess I forgot."

You look at them, all of them were different times in your life. The oldest one was you and Eugene back to back, smirking.

Ah, fun times.

After a few minutes, Rapunzel comes out cheery as always.

"So, what did he say?" You ask.

"We've got a Quaid to train up!"

You glance at Varian who's just as confused as you, "What? Actually I'm not gonna question anything. Let's do this."


Rapunzel shoots at an arrow at an archery target and hits a bullseye.

A Chance At Redemption -- Varian x Fem! reader Book 2  Where stories live. Discover now