Chapter 10 - The forest of no return

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The forest of no return


It's a pleasantly calm day after leaving Varados.

And Nothing could go wrong.


C’mon, this group can never have an occasion without something taking place. And this time... wolves.

You're all getting chased down a country lane.

“They're gaining on us!” Rapunzel shouts.

“Well done, captain obvious!” Sophie shouts back with a smirk on her face.

“What are these things!?” Cass asks.

You and Eugene look at each other with a  grin.

“Don’t worry, it's just a pack of slayer wolves! Eugene got some coins?”

“Of course Miss Striker, Do you?” He laughs while putting coins in his flask.

"In fact I do Mr Rider!" You mess around.

Leo swoops down and flies by your side.

“This way!” Eugene shouts as he shakes his flask lightly.

He leads you all to a dead end.

“Dead end?! We're goners! Oh, please don’t eat me! I'm too chewy!” Lance cries. “Who am I kidding I'm probably moist and delicious.”

“Nah, more like rotting meat.” Sophie snickers, Lance whacks her across the head.

“Ow! God you people need to get a sense of humour!” she huffs and rubs her head.

You and Eugene glance at each other and smirk.

“It's not a dead-end, Lance.” You respond.

“Yeah, it's just got good acoustics,” Eugene adds as you both shake your flasks, causing the wolves to howl and runoff.

Varian runs over to you as Rapunzel runs over to Eugene.

“That was incredible!” Rapunzel hugs Eugene.

“No, I think the correct term would be spellbinding, Rapunzel.” Varian chuckles.

“Oh, man! Eugene and (__) are back and better than ever!”

“Eugene and (__) are the king and princess of the road!”

“Well, I wouldn't know anything if it wasn't for Eugene.” You walk over and high five him.

“Alright everybody let's hit the road.” Eugene smiles.

You and Varian are on Sebastian at the side of the caravan while Cass, Eugene and Rapunzel talk.

Everyone else was on the roof of the caravan, cloud gazing.

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