Chapter 34 - When life gives you lemons, you give them horseshoes

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When life gives you lemons, you give them horseshoes.


Rain poured down as everyone sat in the caravan doing their own thing. Varian was reading a new science book he bought at the last town you went to. Sophie chilling on the couch with Ash and Ruddiger, and you were leaning on Varian, doodling in your journal, Leo perched on your shoulder.

Though not everybody was as laid-back as you three, Lance had a terrified expression on his face, "You really believe your... Cursed?" he whimpered.

Rapunzel sat with her head in her hands, "Well..." She hummed.

"Oh c'mon sweetheart, curses aren't real! (__), sis, back me up on this one." Eugene cried.

You were starting to doubt your own beliefs; after all, a lot of insane things had happened since you chose to abandon whatever life you had a few years ago; why wouldn't curses be the next crazy thing?

"I mean, if curses were true, I'm sure both Eugene and I would have had a few on us a few years ago."You decided to say after humming in thought.

"Thank you!" Eugene sighed in relief. "So no one has anything to be scared of, curses have never been real and never will be!"

"Or are they?" Hookfoot asked, holding a large book.

"The source book of superstitions?! Oh c'mon! Why do we even have this in the caravan!" Eugene moaned.

Hookfoot ignored him and walked over to Rapunzel, trying to find the right page, "Ah, here we go." He cleared his throat, "Tell tale signs of a hex. Number one! Weakness..."

"Huh... I am a little worn out." Rapunzel sighed.

"We've been walking for hours!" You complained, disturbing Varian from his book, making him look up to see what's going on.

"Two... Cold feet."

"My feet are freezing!" Rapunzel freaked.

"You don't wear shoes!" Eugene exclaimed, almost bursting.

"Which brings us to number three... Bad luck... Princess! That's three out of three!" Hookfoot whimpered, hiding behind the book.

"Which means..." Rapunzel asked.

Varian gently got up and walked over to hookfoot, "Which means it's time to stop talking about this... Baloni And keep moving! By my calculations, we should make it to the rock towers by sunrise!" Varian grinned, grabbing the book and tossing it to the other side of the caravan, crashing into the photo frames.

"FLASH FLOOD!" Cass screamed from the outside, causing everyone to look up from what they were doing.

"Flash flood?"

Suddenly the caravan crashed onto its side, a stream of water gushing past,causing a small river. As quickly as possible, everyone jumped out of the caravan and into the water.

"I'm sorry but this just screams cursed." Lance burst out.

"Okay, so, no 'is everyone alright?' Just this random rubbish about 'curses'?" Varian said, trying to grab Ruddiger who was on top of Varian's head.

Rapunzel frowned, staring into her reflection of the water, none of these intervinientes weren't helping in case of 'no curses'.

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