Chapter 2

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You had all of three seconds to hide your surprise. You didn't dare look as shocked as you felt. You felt your heart speed and took a calming breath. It would be ok. This was a perfect opportunity and it was amazing. You just had to nail the interview.

Happy opened the limo's door and reached to offer you a hand. It was a perfectly polite gesture and one that was clearly well-practiced. He was clearly used to helping ladies. Or Omegas. You placed your hand carefully in his and rose as gracefully as you could from the limo. You weren't sure you were graceful enough. You never seemed to be anything close to graceful. Not model graceful anyway.

All of the Omegas had an air of innocence about them. Most of the time, anyway, and you were no exception. It made sex appeal difficult to use in the ways the Alphas and Betas could use it, in the ways models and celebrities did. Most of the Alphas saw you as someone to protect. Not a child, never a child, but with a wholesomeness and naivety about you.

Except when you went into heat of course. But that wasn't a topic for the moment. You were on heat suppressants. They were supposed to lessen the frequency and severity of your heats. They weren't 100% effective, but you'd been told they were better than nothing. Pretty much every unclaimed Omega was on them. No one wanted more unexpected heats than absolutely necessary.

You focused on the here and now. You were here for an interview. You had to prove to the team that you weren't like the 'normal' Omegas. You could help them. You had healing gifts, a medical background. You understood why a team of superheroes would be interested in you. Especially since most of them were Alphas. They needed an Omega to live with them and balance their tempers out.

You got to your feet and smoothed out your suit jacket as you climbed out of the limo. "This way, Omega," Happy told you kindly. You nodded and gave him a warm smile. He was only being polite, addressing you by your title instead of your name. He couldn't help smiling in return. There were very, very few who were immune to an Omega's charms. Happy clearly wasn't one of them, which was a good sign.

Usually only the most depraved or evil were immune to an Omega's charms. Even Betas, other Omegas, and puppies weren't immune.

Happy placed a hand on the small of your back to lead you into the tower. There was press around, taking pictures as he escorted you inside. He wasn't being rude by placing his hand on your back. It was a protective stance, as one would expect of a Beta security guard escorting an Omega.

Your entire caste was uncommon and to be protected.

He was announcing without a single word that, at least for the time being, you were under the protection of him and the Avengers. He nodded to a guard at a security booth outside the tower and led you onto the fenced grounds. You glimpsed a Bifrost mark on the grass that seemed permanently burned into the spot from Thor traveling back and forth between Earth and Asgard so often.

You couldn't honestly say that you hadn't done as much research on the team as you could get your hands on. They were amazing with their abilities, the things they had accomplished, all the hardships in their lives that they'd overcome.

Needless to say, you knew quite a bit about the people you were coming to meet.

Happy led you in through the front doors. "This is the lobby. It's kind of a museum of the Avengers' exploits," he explained as he led you inside. "It's open to the public up to the security desk," there were glass cases with memorabilia all over the open main floor including weapons and a full ironman suit. You saw the security desk by the elevators and Happy led you that way. "Only those with clearance can make it to the higher floors. The security guards and Jarvis, the computer who runs the tower, make sure that no one who isn't authorized gets to anywhere they aren't supposed to be,"

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