Chapter 35

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You climbed out of the bed and made sure you were properly dressed before you would leave to go see the team. Loki followed you out of the bed, summoning proper clothes on himself as he did. "Ready to go see the team, Elskling?" He asked you gently. He knew that you'd been overwhelmed the last time you saw them and he wanted to make sure you were alright now.

You nodded and gave him a bright reassuring smile. "As soon as we find Lokibear," you told him.

Loki smiled. He was always touched that you preferred the plush of him to all the other plushies the team had gotten you. "The last time I saw him, he was in your den." Throughout your heat, Loki had stayed out of your den. He was too busy tending to you, but he also knew and understood that an Omega's den was a sacred space. Even moreso than your suite, your den was precious and not to be intruded upon or allowed to acquire any other scent but yours.

Unless you approved of it beforehand.

You kissed Loki softly and went to your den room to look for Lokibear. You were feeling much better now that your heat was all the way past you, but you still wanted your plushie. You found Lokibear in your nest with all the other plushies of the team and scooped him up to cuddle close. Loki was waiting for you right outside the door to your den, respecting your private space.

You stood again quickly with the plushie in your arms and went to him. "Found him?" He asked warmly. He treated your plushie friend as if Lokibear were alive. It was another level of respect from your mate. He treated your comfort toy as precious since it was precious to you.

You nodded and took Loki's hand. "Right in my nest with the rest of the team," you replied and cuddled close.

Loki kissed your hair. "You're adorable, Elskling," he said fondly. You felt your cheeks heat at that. Even after the week of your heat bringing you and Loki together, it was still new and you weren't quite used to the compliments from the literal god yet.

It would take time to get used to them.

Apparently, you were going to have thousands of years for that.

You shook that thought aside. "Ready?" You asked Loki and squeezed his hand.

Loki smiled "Definitely. Hopefully Barton has made pancakes again. I have developed quite a liking for them,"

"I'm sure he can be convinced," you told him warmly and headed down to the common room with him. You had a lot to catch up on from being gone for a week.

The second you stepped off the elevator, the team turned their attention to you. They all lit up in delight to see their Omega again. Yes, they'd seen you the previous day, but you'd still be in the last vestiges of heat and not at your best.

Wanda jumped to her feet before Thor could stop her and ran over to you. "Meimei!!" The puppy had missed you. You knew she had, with how Thor had had to pick her up to keep her away from you previously.

You laughed and dropped Loki's hand to open your arms to hug the puppy. "I'm here, Wanda. Everything is ok," you reassured her. The pup had been through a lot and clearly hadn't taken well to you being gone. "It was just a heat. Everything's alright now,"

"You're... ok?" She asked in a small voice.

You knew that the entire team was listening to your answer. You were the Omega for the team. They were your pack. Of course they wanted to make sure you were ok. They saw it for themselves, but they still wanted to hear it. You kissed her hair. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine. You know heats happen to Omegas every so often. Loki took very good care of me," you reassured her. She still had a lot to learn about the world after being rescued from Hydra. She would learn in time.

"Loki took care of you?" She asked, looking between the pair of you.

You gave her a bright, reassuring smile. "Yes. Loki and I mated and he took care of me. He'll always take care of me when I need it and I'll always take care of him,"

You felt and saw the team relax at your happiness with the situation. Loki beamed next to you. "Forever, Elskling," he promised.

"Forever," you agreed.  

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