Chapter 3

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Captain Rogers led you over to the coffee table where he'd set the glasses of water. It was a much more cozy and intimate environment than a stuffy meeting room would have been. You saw instantly that he was trying to make you feel comfortable, to feel at home. There were usually accommodations when Omegas were concerned. You appreciated the thought, though you weren't going to freak out over every little thing. Some Omegas did, but that wasn't you.

You took the seat Captain Rogers offered you as gracefully as you could. The chair was comfortable and plush. You reached for the glass of water Captain Rogers had set by your chair and took a sip as he took his seat in the chair across from the small coffee table. He looked you over, properly evaluating you, taking in your scent, your psychic scent, your aura, your appearance.

He gave you a warm smile and a wry laugh as you set your water glass down. "I'm supposed to be interviewing you, but to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing," he admitted with a sheepish heartwarming smile. You'd heard from interviews that Steve had an unAlpha-like level of social anxiety. There was one interview you remembered where he spent it doodling on Wanda's hand with a sharpie every time he got anxious.

You gave him a reassuring smile. It was one you had well-practiced for soothing Alpha tempers. It also worked wonders on anxieties. You saw Steve relax at your reassuring smile, your calm demeanor. "That's alright, Captain," you reassured him. Typically, you'd address any Alpha as 'Alpha', but those with titles tended to prefer to be addressed by their actual title. "Why is the team looking for an Omega?" You asked him instead. It was a valid interview question and would get the ball rolling on the conversation. It wasn't exactly omega-like to start asking the questions, but it was within your nature to soothe Alphas, and Steve seemed to need you to start the conversation.

He visibly relaxed and took a sip of water from his own glass. "The team is made up of strong personalities. Most of us are Alphas, which can lead to clashes of those strong personalities. There are a couple of Omegas on the team, but..." he hesitated, not wanting to give out too much information, not until you passed the interview. "They aren't the kind of Omega we need in this role," that was a polite way of saying that they weren't capable of caring for the heart of the group. You wouldn't find out why until later, until you met the rest of the team, but you understood what Steve wasn't saying.

"And it would likely be useful to have a healer among you, with the work you guys do," you agreed easily.

Steve nodded, seeming impressed that you'd understood the reason you'd been chosen. He finally seemed to warm up to you and asked questions of his own when he got comfortable with your presence. You told him about yourself, your likes and dislikes, your medical and healing history, the places you'd worked before and your schooling. He nodded along, clearly liking what he was hearing.

"You sound like a great fit," Steve told you after you'd talked with him for awhile. "Why don't I show you the tower? Then I'll introduce you to the rest of the team?"

You nodded your agreement, noting that you'd passed the next part of this test. Steve approved of you. He'd be showing you where you'd be living and working. If you liked that, then he would introduce you to the rest of the team. "That sounds like a plan," you said as you stood and smoothed out your jacket.

Steve stood as well. "This is the common floor, where the team hangs out in our off time. We have the common room, dining room, and kitchen. There's also a couple smaller gathering rooms and a mandatory Omega room and Alpha room," he explained as he started walking to show you the rooms in question. You had to work to keep up with his longer stride.

You weren't surprised that the tower had an Alpha room and an Omega room. They were required in all large public buildings. Malls, large office buildings, hospitals especially. Sometimes the rooms were just one room that could be used for either caste, but regardless, the room existed. Usually, they weren't necessary in a residence, even apartment buildings and dorms, but with this being a mixed residence and the head of operations for the Avengers. There would be others who visited the tower besides just those who lived here. Those rooms were specially designed for if an Alpha went into rut or an Omega into heat unexpectedly. They were safe rooms, to keep the occupant in the room safe from those outside, and to keep those outside safe from the occupant. It was a safety precaution for everyone involved.

The kitchen and dining room were amazing. Steve showed you the little meeting rooms. They looked like little living rooms, except for the one that was set up as a proper office. "If you have guests over, they can meet safely here. No one except residents are allowed on the rest of the residential floors. There are more meeting rooms on lower floors for official business," he explained as you continued walking. He showed you the Alpha and Omega rooms, which were mostly just cells to contain an out of control Alpha or Omega. Still, you felt better knowing they were there. "The rooms are controlled by Jarvis, the AI that controls the tower. He can be trusted with anything," he reassured you. You nodded along, storing the information away.

Steve led you into the elevator and showed you more of the tower. He explained the different floors and showed you the massive library that took up an entire floor and that Steve had to practically drag you out of. He showed you the medical rooms where you'd be working, which was fully stocked and the nicest medical room you'd ever seen.

Finally, he led you to another floor. "This entire floor will be yours," he explained as you got off the elevator together. You found yourself in a hallway, not a bright open area like you'd expected. "Over there is another Omega room. This one's much nicer than the one downstairs," he explained as he pointed to one doorway. He pulled out a set of keys and opened it to show off a whole little suite on that side of the hall. It was sparse and basic, but it was much nicer than the cell-like omega room downstairs. It even had its own bathroom. You'd be safe and comfortable in the temperature-controlled suite. "Your actual suite is across the hall," he told you as he led you to the door on the other side of the hall.

It also required keys to open, though Steve mentioned something about the electronic locks being set to you once you moved in. The suite was amazing and was beyond huge. You stepped into a full living room. It had furniture in it, couch, chair, tables, tv, etc, but no knickknacks or decorations yet. There was an attached kitchenette. At Steve's nod of approval, you explored the rest of the suite. The bedroom was large and luxurious with a full king-sized bed. It even had a walk-in closet. The bathroom was state of the art. There were two empty rooms.

"One is for you to make a nest or a den in," Steve explained when he saw you looking over those rooms. "The other can be whatever you wish, a study, library, another closet," he shrugged. It was really up to you what to do with all this space.

"This is amazing~" you told Steve, awe in your voice. You felt yourself perk up and grin. Steve couldn't seem to help but return the grin.

"Wonderful. Would you like to meet the rest of the team?" He asked warmly. He was clearly liking how this was going. As were you. You were home.

Another test down.

One more left.

And this the most important one.

You nodded eagerly. "Definitely," 

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