Chapter 7

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Nat and Clint bristled on either side of you at Loki's behavior. Despite that the battle had been mind control and Loki hadn't been in control of his actions, they didn't entirely trust him. It was understandable. The group was wary of newcomers. They'd only taken to you so well because you were an Omega and they'd all agreed to hire an Omega to help them. They hadn't agreed to Loki coming and he was an Alpha. An Alpha who had antagonized them all before at that. It would take awhile for him to earn their trust.

Especially when his entire focus was on their Omega.

Thor chuckled at Loki's comment, trying to diffuse the tension. "We all do," though clearly that wasn't how Loki meant that he liked you. "Lady Mei has been a wonderful addition to the team." You blushed at Thor's praise and tried not to laugh at his usual attempt to be polite and use the team's nickname for you at the same time. It was adorable.

You realized your hand was still in Loki's when he spoke again. "Lady Mei?" He questioned, his voice still that damn seductive honey.

"The team calls me 'meimei'," you explained to him easily. It was so easy and natural to be around him, and you felt yourself and home and his. Gods, you felt like you were his. You'd never felt an Alpha's call this strongly before and it was hard to remember yourself. "It's an old term of endearment for an Omega," you explained, noting his confusion over the term.

"Meimei..." Loki considered the word, tasted it. "It suits you, for them," he purred. Gods, why did his voice have such a seductive purr? You felt things stirring that you hadn't felt before, except when you'd gone into heat. You couldn't be going into heat, you were on suppressants, both pills and a suppressant ring you wore, so you just couldn't. "I think Elske, suits you better," he added with a smirk. You didn't know the word, and it was clear that Nat and Clint didn't either, so it wasn't in one of the many languages Nat had acquired in her long life. Thor apparently knew. His eyes widened.

You also noted that Bucky was moving closer, displeased with Loki's attentions on you.

"Brother, why don't I give you a tour of the tower?" Thor suggested, again trying to diffuse the situation before a challenge or fight broke out.

Tensions were high and you needed to do something, especially before Bucky decided you needed protecting and started a fight with Loki. Loki hadn't done anything to deserve being punched in the face by a metal hand. He was being perfectly polite, if a little forward. You didn't blame him, not with the strong pull you felt. It seemed like he felt it too, and Alphas tended to be aggressive with what they were pulled toward.

Especially if it was an Omega.

You closed your eyes and focused your breathing, focusing on your inherent power. It wasn't your magic, your healing abilities, it was your aura, your natural Omega abilities you were calling on. You'd been trained to do this, trained to ease tensions and calm the more volatile tempers around you. Especially Alpha tempers.

You let your aura spread, sending soothing and calm throughout the room. Nat and Clint succumbed to it quickly, Betas were easy to influence as their tempers and emotions weren't as volatile as the Alphas. Thor also succumbed easily, he wasn't riding the killing edge. Bucky took longer to calm down, but he finally accepted your calm and soothing and accepted that you were ok.

Nothing seemed to change about Loki. He hadn't been on the killing edge. He was still only interested in you. When you opened your eyes again, you saw that his brilliant emerald ones were gazing at you, evaluating what you'd done. You blushed a little under the Alpha's intensity. "Well done, Elske," he told you warmly.

He knew what you'd done. He'd felt your power wash over him. And he appreciated it.

And was proud of you.

And that pride...

Damn hormones.

Loki smirked over at Thor. "Perhaps our Lady Omega would be willing to give me a tour?" He was being extremely polite, but you heard the truth in his words. He didn't want to let you out of his sight, not until he got to know you better.

To be honest, you wanted some alone time with him as well.

And not just alone time.

The pull of an Alpha wasn't entirely sex. It was mutual need. It was safety, protection, unconditional love from the Alpha and acceptance, caring, calm, and unconditional love from the Omega. You'd heard of the pull of the Alpha. You'd felt drawn to those who needed your calm and aura, but nothing as strong as the pull to this pull.

You didn't want to leave Loki's side. Even without sex. He felt like safety, he smelled absolute divine. You shook those thoughts away. There was more to him than his dick or his pheromones.

You gave him a warm smile. "I'd be glad to show you around," you replied warmly.

"I'll accompany you," Thor said automatically, before the others could puff up and get grumpy about their unmated Omega escorting a strange Alpha.

Loki rolled his eyes. "I do not need a chaperone, brother," he told Thor stiffly.

Thor clapped a hand on Loki's shoulder. "I know you do not," he soothed, but it would be better for everyone if he did. Especially with the pull you both felt.

"Meimei, don't forget we have training this afternoon," Nat reminded you gently.

You nodded and smiled over at her. "I won't forget. The tour won't take that long," you promised her.

Loki beamed at you. "Thank you, Elske," he said and offered you his arm like a proper gentleman. You blushed at the romantic gesture and laid your hand on his arm. You felt a jolt of pleasure, the same one you'd felt when he'd kissed your knuckles.

You were so doomed.

Especially when you saw the cracks appearing in your suppressant ring.

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