Chapter 33

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Loki kissed you until you were breathless. Only then did he pull back to let you catch your breath. "You're far too good at that," you informed him as you were focusing on breathing again.

Loki chuckled, "I am known as Silvertongue for a reason," he replied with a seductive purr. You kissed his nose, uninterested in anything having to do with sex after your week of heat. Loki smirked, but respected your unspoken wish. "There is something I need you to do for me," he changed the subject, but gave you a gentle look that indicated that you probably weren't going to like what he had to say. Though unlike a lot of other people in your life, he was treating you like an equal, not like a helpless Omega.

You looked up into his eyes. "You need me to do something for you?" You asked incredulously. What could you possibly do for him that he couldn't do for himself?

Loki smiled. "Yes, little Omega," he said warmly. "The mating bond is only half completed. You need to finish your half," he informed you. He sounded like he was reminding you, but you had no idea what he was talking about. Your hand went to the mating mark on your neck. That was the only mating bond you knew about. An Alpha claimed an Omega by marking them and the mating magic bound them together. They could do so by force, though that was rare nowadays with all of the protections in place for Omegas. But the entire mating was an Alpha claiming an Omega. You'd never heard of an Omega having a part to play in the process.

"I don't understand," you told Loki softly. "An Alpha claims an Omega and that's the end of it," you reminded him.

Loki's eyes widened in shock. "That's.... Only half of it," he said softly, searching your eyes for recognition of what he was talking about. He cursed softly when he didn't get that recognition. "The bond isn't complete until the Omega claims their Alpha in return. Midgardians have apparently forgotten that part of the bond... no wonder..." he trailed off. No wonder your society was so out of balance.

"So... you want me to mark you?" You asked him as you tried to wrap your head around the concept.

Loki nodded. "Exactly so," he replied. "The bond remains incomplete until you do. It is... a handicap to have it incomplete," he tried to explain. "Right now, it is only half a bond. We cannot share our strengths, nor help the other..." he shook his head when he saw the expression on your face. "Please, Elskling, please trust me," Loki asked. He didn't ask for a lot, but he was asking for everything now.

"But... Loki, it'll hurt you!" You protested. You would have to bite him, to break the skin and draw blood. Alphas usually did it at the moment of orgasm to mask that moment of pain with pleasure.

"Just for a moment," Loki agreed.

You paled and gripped one of his hands with both of yours, needing the grounding of his presence. "You're my Alpha, I can't hurt you!" You insisted, panicking over the thought of hurting him when he'd been nothing but kind to you.

Loki chuckled and pulled you into his arms. He stroked your hair gently to soothe you. "Elskling, it's alright, I promise. It will only hurt for a moment and I have been through much worse pain in my life," he reminded you. He'd been tortured by Thanos before he'd been sent to Earth to find one of the infinity stones hidden here.

"Torture?" You mewed. You didn't want to do anything that would remind him of that pain and torture. You couldn't stand the thought of your Alpha in pain. It was an Omega's nature to care for and heal your Alpha.

"I need you to do this, Elskling. I know it's hard. I know it goes against your very nature. I promise, it will only hurt for a moment," Loki told you gently as he stroked your hair and cuddled you close to soothe you. "The bond needs to be completed,"

"Loki... I want to, but..." you couldn't bear the thought of hurting him and marking him. It was so foreign.

Loki considered that and pressed a kiss to your hair. "I understand that you do not wish to hurt me," he said gently. "How about a compromise?"

You looked up at him, grasping onto the hope he was giving you. "What compromise?" You asked.

"I know you have no interest in sex after you were just in heat and I respect that wholeheartedly. I would never press or force you," Loki said quickly. "However, it might be easier on you to mark me if you use the Alpha's technique of making the mark at the moment of orgasm," he suggested.

You felt your cheeks heat at the suggestion and the image in your mind. But you were also inexperienced and didn't know how Loki was suggesting this happen without you having sex. "H-how?" You finally asked stupidly. He said he wouldn't press you to have sex...

Loki chuckled. "There are many, many ways to bring pleasure without intercourse," he reminded you. How many times had he brought you to that pleasure with his mouth or tongue while you were in heat?

"Right..." you agreed, feeling dumb for not knowing that.

Loki placed his fingers under your chin and forced you to look up at him. He kissed you softly. "It's alright, Elskling. We have centuries for both of us to get experience together," he reassured you. "For now, you can use a hand," he suggested.

A hand. That was safe. That wouldn't hurt you when you were so repulsed by sex, but would give Loki pleasure and let you mark him when the pain would be negated by the pleasure you gave him. You nodded. "Yes. I can manage that," you said softly.

Loki kissed your forehead. "Good girl," he purred. You melted at the praise.

A few kisses later and Loki vanished his clothes. It left him in the vulnerable position as you were still fully dressed, especially the all-important fuzzy socks. You realized that he was doing it to help you feel more in control, safer. He guided your hand to his semi-erect cock and showed you how best to stroke, then to pump it once it was hard. When you had the hang of it, he pulled you into a kiss. The kiss didn't stop his delicious moans of pleasure as you worked him. The skin of his cock was soft, though his erection was hard and large in your grip as you pumped. He shifted his hips and made a noise, whining for you to increase the pace. He acted like a needy Omega and you realized that was also for your benefit. He was playing a role to make you more comfortable and you loved him deeply for it. You gave him what he needed, working him hard and fast.

He finally broke the kiss and pulled your head down to his neck. You had felt his cock swell and knew he was getting close. "Now," he rasped, his voice husky and deep with the pleasure that was building.

You hesitated a moment, unsure, but at his insistence, sank your teeth into his neck where he held you. He cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure as his orgasm hit at the same time. You tasted his blood in your mouth and had a moment of panic at what you'd done.

That panic only lasted a moment before you felt the rest of the bond settle into place. You hadn't understood what Loki had meant until you felt the full bond. He had been right. You'd only been bound to him earlier, not the other way around. He had been able to feel you, but that was it. Now there was an open connection between you, one that couldn't be broken, couldn't be blocked or stopped. You would always know when the other was in danger, or needed physical or emotional support. Loki could take peace from you and you could take strength from him freely. It was so much more and so much better than the bond had been.

Peace filled you both when the bond was settled in place.

Loki pulled you close to let you rest on his chest as the wound was healing. He healed quickly so it already wasn't bleeding any more. "You did well, Elskling. The bond is complete," he purred.

"It's amazing," you agreed as you nuzzled close. Then something hit you. "Wait... did you say centuries?"

Loki laughed. "Yes, Elskling. With the bond complete, you'll live as long as I do. Which will be a few thousand more years,"

You just gaped at that bombshell. Thousands of years?

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