Chapter 15

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You stepped further into your den room to investigate the huge teddy bear. The horns were soft and plush. You sat on the ground in front of it, then curled in its arms. You were aware that Loki was watching you, but he had a fond expression over your very Omega-like behavior. All Omegas adored all things fluffy and comfortable. That's why you had a den and so many pillows and fluffy blankets and plushies after all. "Do you like it?" Loki asked as you tested the plush bear for comfort and fluffiness. He was careful to stay out of the room, to not invade your space with his scent when he was still a stranger.

"He's perfect," you told him brightly. The bear wasn't scented, but that was to be expected. It would have been rude for Loki to fill your den space with his scent. You bounced back to your feet, patted giantlokibear on the head, then bounced back over to Loki. "Has your curiosity about my floor been sated now?" You asked him when you were safely outside your den room.

Loki nodded and gave you a warm smile. "Quite satisfied for the moment," he replied. You raised an eyebrow so he continued speaking. "Satisfaction is not in my nature. At least not for long," he chuckled at your expression and kept talking. "I am also the god of Chaos, along with stories. Chaos is in my nature. Change is part of my very being,"

You nodded, finally thinking you understood. "So you thrive on change and curiosity," that definitely explained his love of books and stories. Stories were full of changes and things to learn, even if they were made up.

"How did you become the god of stories?" You asked him as you led him back to your living room. It was a more neutral zone. You could have visitors in your living room without it feeling like you were letting them into private areas or safe spaces that were just yours. You'd had members of the team in your living room before, but not in your den or bedroom.

You stopped by the kitchen to get you both something to drink, assuming that Loki was going to stay for awhile. "What do you want to drink?" You asked him as you looked over what you had to offer.

"Anything is fine," he replied as he followed you into the kitchen. That was a typical response, or at least it sounded like one. Traditionally, Alphas didn't like making demands on the Omegas in their care. It had gotten corrupted over the years and somehow a lot of Alphas expected nothing but subservient little pets of their Omegas. But you knew that Loki and Thor still followed the old ways. All of the team did. Omegas were cherished and cared for and you gave them so much more in return.

"Hot chocolate?" You asked. It was one of your favorites. The sweet drink was perfect.

Loki inclined his head with a grin. "Anything with the word 'chocolate' in it has to be good," he replied. His eyes were wide and curious as he watched you work your kurig and soon you had two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. You carried them into the living room and set them on coasters on the coffee table. You took your usual seat on the couch and gestured for Loki to join you. He sat on the other end out of courtesy and respect. It would be rude for him to just assume he was allowed close contact with an Omega.

But he would make the invitation.


He picked up his hot chocolate and considered its temperature for a moment. Then he blew frost on it. Actual frost. You lit up as you watched. "Impressive," you told him.

He puffed up and beamed at the praise. "Perks of my heritage," he replied a bit cryptically.

You tilted your head. "Thor can't do that," you reminded him.

Loki blushed purple. "I'm... not Asgardian," he said softly and fiddled with his mug. He refused to look up at you. "I was born on Jotunheim,"

"Jotunheim?" You asked and tried to remember your Norse mythology. "The land of the frost giants?" You asked softly.

Loki blushed a deeper purple and nodded. "Yes, Elskling," he said softly. He didn't seem to want to elaborate further. A frost giant? He looked nothing like a frost giant, or what you expected one to look like.

"So... the god of stories?" You asked, changing the subject for now. He clearly wasn't comfortable with the topic of his heritage. You would do more research on your own later.

Loki lit up in delight, clearly eager to tell the story. "My original godhood was lies and mischief. I also have Asgardian magic," he started to explain. You nodded along and sipped on your hot chocolate, settling in for the story. "I learned to shapeshift and tell and sense lies. Soon, I could craft such myths and stories that people believed them to be true, which was how I ultimately became the god of stories and the moon-king of the magic theater," he sounded super proud of that. "The Master of Magic of Asgard," he clarified. "And god of myths and stories,'

"Moon-king..." you considered, still thinking over a nickname for him.

He nodded "One of my many titles," he replied, beaming like a peacock over all the attention.

"Lune!" You announced with glee.

He raised an eyebrow "I beg your pardon?" He asked, clearly having no idea what you were on about.

"I've been trying to come up with a nickname for you, since you have one for me and that's how you know we're friends," you replied brightly. "Lune!" You decided with a grin and a far too innocent look on your face.

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Lune? Because of my title the moon-king, or because you think I'm silly?" He asked. Lune was pronounced the same as 'loon', which reflected his question.

You giggled. "Yes!" You agreed with a cheeky grin.

Loki groaned. "You are going to be the death of me, Elskling," he said fondly. He didn't seem upset with the nickname, though.

You spent the evening on your couch just talking with him, telling each other about your pasts. Eventually, when you got tired of talking, you turned on a movie, to Loki's delight. His arm moved to the back of the couch while you watched the movie and you took the invitation for what it was and moved to snuggle up with him to watch the rest of the movie with your head resting on his chest.

You intended to stay up until the rest of the team returned, worried about them when they were on their mission. But you were safe and Loki tucked a blanket around you, snuggling you close. You smelled your Alpha and was warm in his embrace, even with your head pillowed on his cool chest. His scent surrounded you, reassuring you with its safety and strength.

But you were totally going to stay up until the team returned.




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